I’m Diabetic, So Will That Affect My Getting Dental Implants?

If you’re missing one or more teeth then dental implants in Richmond are an excellent way of restoring both appearance and functionality. However, implants aren’t suitable for everyone and amongst candidates who may not be suitable are those with uncontrolled diabetes. That’s not to say that you can’t undergo dental implant surgery if you have diabetes, but it does mean that before making any decisions you’ll need to attend a consultation, where amongst other things, your medical history will be looked at in more detail. Meantime you can find out more about dental implants and diabetes in this blog post.

Are dental implants suitable for those with diabetes?

dental implants in RichmondPeople with diabetes aren’t automatically turned down for dental implants but they do face a greater risk of implant failure. Whereas those suffering with uncontrolled diabetes will not be allowed to undergo dental implant surgery people who have their diabetes under control often cope well with dental implant treatment.

Why does diabetes pose a risk to dental implants?

Implant failure is more common in diabetics and that’s because their bodies take longer to heal and they are more susceptible to infection. Gum disease, in particular, is commonly found in people with diabetes which puts them at particular risk of implant failure. Infections around the implant site can lead to complications or implant failure. Diabetes can also prevent the bone and tissue surrounding the implant from bonding successfully, in a process known as osseointegration. This process is vital to implant success as this is what anchors the implant into the jawbone making it strong enough to support replacement teeth. However, by eating a diabetic friendly diet, exercising, and taking the necessary medications, diabetics can bring their condition under control which increase the success rate of dental implant treatment.

How a diabetic can ensure successful dental implant treatments

Fortunately there are a few steps that diabetics can take to ensure successful implant treatment. By working closely with your doctor and your dentist you can enjoy a healthy smile and keep your disease under control.

  • Get your diabetes under control by taking advice from your doctor with regards to diet, exercise, and medications
  • Be extra vigilant with your oral care and practice twice daily brushing and once a day flossing
  • Get treatment if you have gum disease – for implants to be successful they must be placed into a healthy mouth so make sure any dental treatments are carried out as soon as you can
  • Attend regular dental check-ups – This is important for everyone and especially diabetics who are more at risk of developing oral health problems. Regular check-ups are important before and after implant treatment.

To find out more about dental implants and diabetes then why not book a free consultation with Sheen Dental. We can answer your questions and plan any treatment which may be required in order for you to become eligible for a dental implant in Richmond. Call us today on 020 8876 5277 or book online at www.sheendentalimplants.co.uk. We look forward to welcoming you to our clinic.