I’m Scared Of The Idea Of Oral Surgery Is There Anything To Help Me Overcome This Fear?

For many people looking at tooth replacement options the idea of dental implants in Richmond appeals to them but they are put off from choosing this option because they have a real fear of undergoing oral surgery.

Dental implants are the closest alternative to natural teeth that is currently available on the market and include an artificial ‘tooth root’ as well as a prosthetic crown. The implant itself is a titanium post which is implanted into the jawbone during oral surgery.

Dental implants in RichmondThis is then left for a period of time during which it will biologically merge with the surrounding bone in the jaw to create a durable and stable platform on which to place a prosthetic crown. The surgical procedure is relatively short depending on the complexity of the treatment and is usually carried out under local anaesthetic.

For those patients that are scared of going to the dentist then we do understand totally how difficult it can be to visit, let alone decide to have dental implant treatment to replace a missing tooth. Here at Sheen Dental we’re very sympathetic to their fears and do all we can to help them overcome this with relaxation and sedation.

What exactly is sedation?

IV or intravenous sedation is given to a patient by an injection in the back of the hand or the arm. The dosage will depend entirely on the amount of treatment and the length of time it will take to complete. As the injection begins to take effect the patient will start to feel drowsy and blissfully unaware of the treatment taking place although they will be awake and able to co-operate with any requests from the dentist. The medicine takes some time to wear off, so you won’t be able to drive yourself home, drink alcohol or operate any machinery during this time.

Can anything else be done to help?

A patient can also be helped to relax by breathing in a mixture of nitrous oxide and oxygen, commonly known as ‘laughing gas’ in a process referred to as relative analgesia’ or ‘inhalation sedation’. The dentist will make you feel at ease by talking softly and suggesting what you may be feeling and you’ll soon feel pleasantly relaxed. The mixture is breathed in through a small nose piece which is comfortable to wear, and although you feel drowsy you are awake but will feel no discomfort. As soon as you stop breathing in the laughing gas, it quickly expels from the body with a couple of breaths of normal air and since there are no after effects, you’ll also be able to drive yourself home within around 15 minutes.

How relaxation works

Whenever we’re faced with a situation that we’re afraid of our bodies produce certain substances which raise our levels of anxiety. However, we can fight this anxiety by training our bodies to relax. It’s not possible to be anxious and relaxed at the same time, but we can learn relaxation which helps to control the level of anxiety that we’re feeling.

If you’re interested in getting a dental implant in Richmond but have a fear of going to the dentist, then we can help. Just call our friendly staff on 020 8876 5277 and mention your fears and we’ll do all we can to help. Why not start the ball rolling by booking a no-obligation free consultation to discuss dental implants and other options of tooth replacement. Alternatively you can visit our website at www.sheendentalimplants.co.uk/ for more information.