Implant Supported Dentures – Not Your Average Denture

If you have more than one missing tooth and are thinking of undergoing treatment for dental implants in Richmond then you might be surprised to know that there are several options open to you. It’s possible that you might expect to have dental implants placed where each of your missing teeth once were. The problem is that this can be extremely expensive not to mention time consuming for the patient in question. On the contrary, implant supported dentures might be the answer.

dental implants in RichmondWhen we think about dentures it’s easy to remember the type that our grandparents wore. You know those over-sized, clunky structures that appeared to be about as life-like as a plastic duck. The same ones that would fall out and cause embarrassment to them and let’s face it…much hilarity to you.

Thankfully however dentures have moved on and now they’re far more lightweight, comfortable and natural looking. That said, they still have to be fixed into place using dental adhesives and as such, if not fitted snugly, can be prone to slipping and sliding. This is where implant related dentures come in.

Whole rows of dentures can now be anchored onto 3 or 4 strategically placed implants meaning that implant retained dentures won’t slip and slide. What’s more, they don’t require the need for adhesive either. Instead they simply snap on and snap off a floating bar or ball like socket in order to remove them. This means no more worrying about denture slippage and the acute embarrassment that goes with it.

So how do you go about getting them?

Firstly you have to be a good candidate for dental implants. In Richmonda consultation with us here at Sheen Dental will determine whether this is the case. If you get the go ahead, and would like to proceed then a temporary set of new dentures will be made while you undergo the surgical process of fitting the implants and subsequent healing, This can take up to 9 months whilst you wait for the bone tissue to fuse with the implant itself. This is what creates the super strong platform upon which your dentures will be fitted. Finally you’ll go through the same type of non-surgical process as you did when you had your original dentures fitted. Once you and your dentist are happy that everything is where it should be, the crowns are cemented into the denture and your brand new teeth attached.

While it might appear to represent a great deal of time and effort the results are a natural looking denture that isn’t going to move. If you want to find out more about implant retained dentures or to discuss your options for dental implants in Richmond, then contact Sheen Dental for a free, no-obligation consultation on 020 8876 5277 or alternatively visit our website at