Implants at Sheen Dental, we can make a difference!
Losing a tooth as a result of an accident can be quite traumatic because it is an event that we have little control over. Losing a tooth through poor oral maintenance is far more serious because we have control over our dental maintenance. It’s pretty simple and inexpensive to brush your teeth twice a day! It is obviously better to retain your own natural teeth however all is not lost in the event that you do lose a tooth. Dental implants Richmond have the equipment, skills and experience to make that all important difference to your life.

Dentists try to teach patients the best way to maintain their teeth and gums to avoid unnecessary visits to the dental surgery. Regular six monthly visits for checkup and cleaning should, in a perfect world, be the only visits necessary to a dental surgery. The correct method of cleaning your teeth should start at a young age and children should accompany their parents to the dentist when their parents have an appointment. This allows your children to build up a relationship with the surgery staff and allows them to become familiar with the surroundings. Over time this will help to eradicate dental phobia and make receiving dental treatment a more comfortable experience.
Technology helping to improve our dental longevity
Human beings receive only two sets of teeth in their lifetime. The first are those baby teeth that we proudly show off for the few years that we have them. The second set are our adult teeth and these have to last us for the duration of our lives. Of course accidents happen and you may lose a tooth. Nothing is worse than losing a prominent front tooth which not only changes our appearance but mentally can be quite embarrassing. In the past the treatment of choice would be a bridge which worked but was not the ultimate solution. Since the nineteen fifties dental implants Richmond have been developing this procedure. The last decades have seen rapid improvements in dental implants Richmond procedures and the equipment that is used in the procedure.
A more natural result
Using implants to replace teeth that have been lost, mimics the way that our natural teeth are fixed to our jawbone. The implant becomes one with your natural teeth in appearance and the way in which you can use it to smile and chew your food. Bridges always required a supporting tooth or teeth to be effective and dentures require adhesive or a vacuum between prosthetic plate and gum to remain in place. Dental implants are fixed into your jawbone just like your natural teeth and therefore do not require another method to stay in place. Because they are fixed into your jawbone they are stable and do not move.
A game changer
Dental implants have become the treatment of choice for lost teeth. The latest technology allows us to replace one tooth with a single implant or up to four in a row supported by a single transplant. If it is necessary to replace a full mouth of teeth, it only requires four dental implants for support. We now have the technology, equipment, skills and techniques to help you if you have lost any teeth so that you are able to smile confidently, displaying your teeth proudly just like you did when you had your baby teeth.