Important Barriers To Overcome When Going From Needing Dental Implants To Wanting Dental Implants

It’s fair to say that whether you undergo treatment for dental implants in Richmond or indeed anywhere else in the country, they’ve become the norm rather than the exception for missing tooth replacement – and not without good reason. Despite the fact that you might feel that you need dental implants there are still some barriers or hurdles that you may have to overcome before starting the ball rolling on your treatment. Let’s take a closer look.

dental implants in RichmondThe first hurdle is anxiety. Like with any situation anxiety often comes about when a person is placed in a situation that they’re not sure about. From experience, here at Sheen Dental, we often find that once a patient is fully briefed and has all their questions and concerns answered, then their understanding about the whys and wherefores of dental implants increases and their anxiety wanes. This is why we always offer a free, no-obligation consultation to all potential patients.

The second barrier is one of time. The problem is that dental implants aren’t a quick fix solution and for many people they simply can’t wait anything up to 9 months and a number of visits to achieve their perfect smile. This is why we offer a technique known as Same Day Teeth. As the name suggests, both dental implants and temporary teeth can be fitted on the same day. Once the healing process is complete, then the temporary teeth are swapped for the real thing. It’s quick, it’s easy and above all, it’s convenient.

The final barrier is the cost factor. This is often the hurdle that puts some people off the process altogether and yes, initially they are expensive when you compare them to other forms of teeth replacement. However if you take a long-term view, then the cost of a dental implant actually works out very reasonable. The fact is that dental implants (if cared for properly) can last 3-5 times the duration of a conventional denture or bridge. In addition they don’t need a continual supply of fixatives and sterilisers to maintain them. Therefore the initial cost is all you pay. In addition most clinics who fit dental implants in Richmond offer various payment options whereby patients can spread payments over a period of time. Here at Sheen Dental we’re no exception.

Once you understand the real value of being able to restore your beautiful smile permanently it’s a life changing experience that to most people who have had the treatment, is worth every penny.

To find out more about how dental implants can help you then feel free to check out our website at or alternatively, contact us directly on 020 8876 5277 today.