Important Patient Concerns About Dental Implants Answered

It’s understandable that for those people considering undergoing treatment for dental implants in Richmond, they’re going to feel that they need a lot of questions and concerns answering before they commit. With this in mind at Sheen Dental we thought that we’d try and answer some of the most popular questions.

How much does the treatment cost?

dental implants in RichmondInitially the cost of dental implants are more expensive than other forms of teeth replacement such as dentures or bridges, but they usually last far longer, so in the long-term they could be considered a better investment. Costs vary depending upon where you go but on average they’re anywhere between £1200 – £2000 per implant.

How long does it take?

Again this depends on the healing abilities of the person and the type of implant surgery needed. The surgery itself is routine to a trained implantologist and is over in as little as 1-2 hours. It’s worth noting however that dental implants are normally fitted in stages. In between each stage there’s a period of recovery. This is to make sure that the implant remains strong and secure to give it the best possible chance. All things considered, implants can take between 3 and 9 months from initial consultation to final crown placement.

Is it a painful process?

The first thing to remember is that whether you opt for a dental implant in Richmond, or anywhere else in the country it requires a surgical process. Modern day dental practices strive for pain-free surgery and on most occasions this is generally the case. Contemporary sedation techniques and state of the art technologies such as dental wands, ensure that the patient remains pain-free during the procedure. That said, and as with most surgical procedures, there could be some slight pain after the event. However, it isn’t generally severe and is usually controlled by everyday, over-the-counter pain killers such as ibuprofen and paracetamol.

Am I eligible for dental implants?

There are no hard and fast rules when it comes to dental implants and age certainly isn’t a factor. Instead it’s more about your overall health. Generally speaking there are certain conditions or factors where implants might not be the best option and these are

Those who smoke and/or drink heavily

Those with certain cancers (particularly in the face and neck area)

Certain osteoporosis sufferers

Patients who have undergone radiation treatment (again in the face and neck area in particular)

Those who suffer with uncontrollable diabetes, and finally…

Those with heart problems

Even then this might not pertain to every case and this is why your implant dentist will give a full assessment and then make an informed decision based on results.

How long should my implants last?

At Sheen Dental we get asked this question all the time and this is what we tell people. Implants have been proven to last forty years plus, but this won’t be the case for everyone. However if you religiously practice good standards of oral hygiene and regularly attend the clinic for check-ups and hygiene cleans, then there’s no reason why this can’t be the same for you.

If you want to find out more about dental implants in Richmond then visit our website at Alternatively if you would like to speak to a professional personally, then why not contact 020 8876 5277 and book yourself a consultation with Dr Harmit Kalsi. It’s free and there’s no obligation for you to take it any further if you decide that implants aren’t for you.