Is A Sinus Lift Something To Be Scared Of?

If you’re considering getting a dental implant in Richmond then you may have been told that you need a sinus lift prior to implant placement. This is a common procedure which is necessary in cases where the patient has insufficient bone structure in the upper jaw bone to support the placement of an implant.

So what exactly is a sinus lift?

dental implants in RichmondA sinus lift, (also known as sinus augmentation or grafting) is often required when a patient is replacing a missing molar or premolar in the upper jawbone area. Its aim is to improve the structure of the upper jaw bone and to make it strong enough to be able to support a dental implant or implants. The procedure is known as a ‘lift’ because it involves lifting up the sinus membrane and filling the space that lies beneath with bone material.

Where does the bone material come from?

Most dentists prefer to use the patient’s own bone wherever possible and this is taken from an area in the mouth or hip. Before carrying out the procedure 3D images and X-rays will have been taken to give the dentist a clear picture of your upper jawbone structure and to access the sinus area in order to take precise measurements of the existing bone’s height and width.

The procedure

You’ll be given a local anaesthetic to numb the area and then a small incision will be made in the gum where the molars and premolars are located. A flap of gum is then lifted up to expose the jawbone beneath and to provide access to the sinus membrane. This is then moved gently away and upwards from the jawbone leaving a space which is then filled with bone material. Once this has been done the gums are stitched back together and the area left to heal. It can take several months for the bone material to fuse with the surrounding bone and soft tissues and you’ll be required to visit the clinic for progress checks. Once the dentist is happy that the area has fully healed and the bone density has been replenished, then your dental implant/s can be placed.

Here at Sheen Dental we carry out sinus grafts on a regular basis so you can feel assured that you are in safe hands and there is absolutely nothing to be scared of. If you’d like more information about dental implants in Richmond and to see if they are a good fit for you, then why not take advantage of our free consultation. Call us today on 020 8876 5277 or book an appointment with Dr. Harmit Kalsi online at We look forward to meeting you.