Is It Possible To Have Dental Implants When Suffering From Osteoporosis?

Although people of all ages are eligible for dental implants in Richmond, one factor that could be a stumbling block is osteoporosis. Osteoporosis is a disease of the bone that can lead to decreased bone density and is more commonly found in women. The issue is that dental implants need healthy bone with sufficient bone density to be able to thrive and function correctly. So does this mean that an osteoporosis suffer can’t have dental implants?

dental implants in RichmondThe good news is that osteoporosis is a controllable problem and with the right diet, weight-bearing exercise, and medications, it’s possible to limit the spread of the disease. So it’s important to seek the advice of your local GP

So what does this mean for those seeking dental implants?

If a patient is taking positive steps to bring their osteoporosis under control then it doesn’t mean to say that implants are ruled out. Instead the next step is to visit the dental implantologist for a full evaluation. The team will look at the patient’s overall and oral health as well as the extent of the osteoporosis. However other considerations include:

Periodontal problems

Periodontal disease is a major factor in dental implant failure. For this reason, knowing that the patient is already compromised by osteoporosis it’s highly important to make sure that they aren’t suffering from advanced gum disease.

Strength and density of the bone

It’s important to note that in osteoporosis sufferers the time taken for bone to regenerate is slow. For this reason it’s vital that despite this the patient has a good bone density around the jaw line and one which appears strong.


In some instances certain medications are known to compromise medications that might have to be taken due to the implant healing process. Phosphates for example help the body to prevent reabsorbing bone tissue but at the same time they can also affect a patient’s ability to heal.


Of course if the patient is a smoker then this will also exacerbate the situation. Smoking has long been a failure-factor in dental implants, so chances are that this too will have to be addressed before any implants can be placed.

In essence each osteoporosis sufferer needs to be evaluated on a case by case basis. However if all of the points above are addressed then there’s no reason why the implantation process can’t go ahead. To find out more about being a candidate for dental implants in Richmond then why not book yourself a free, no-obligation consultation. To book yours either visit our website at or alternatively contact us directly on 020 8876 5277 today and get your questions answered once and for all.