Is The Dental Implant Procedure Painful?

One of the most commonly asked questions from patients considering a dental implant in Richmond is whether the procedure is painful. In fact most patients ask whether it is comparable to any pain they may have experienced during dental extraction. Since everyone has different thresholds of pain tolerance it’s a little difficult to answer this question but most of our patients tell us that they felt less discomfort than they did during the extraction process.

Discomfort during dental implant surgery

dental implants in RichmondAs you’re probably aware the dental implant procedure involves surgery and, as with surgeries of any kind, there is always an element of discomfort and a certain amount of pain. However, since anaesthesia is used during the procedure any discomfort is kept to a minimum during the implant placement. Some patients who have having a bone graft or sinus lift prior to implants may feel a little more discomfort than those who are having a straightforward implant, and it’s true to say that some surgical techniques are a little more uncomfortable than others.

However, all of these factors are taken into consideration when a surgeon is planning the level of anaesthesia to ensure the greatest possible level of comfort for the patient. According to the level of complexity of the procedure and the needs of the patient, either a local or general anaesthetic will be administered. For anyone who is particularly anxious or sensitive, then a variety of sedation techniques including IV and inhalation, will also be offered.

Post surgery discomfort

Any pain or discomfort following the placement of dental implants in Richmond is comparable to that of many other common dental procedures. As small incisions have to be made in the gums during the procedure, patients may experience some minor bleeding at the implant site immediately after the procedure and once the effects of the anaesthetic wear off, then it’s natural to feel a little pain and discomfort, usually within two or three hours. Some patients may also experience some swelling and minor bruising in the gums and/or face, especially if they have had a bone graft. Generally any discomfort can be relieved with over the counter painkillers such as Ibuprofen and Paracetamol.

Each patient is different, so in a sense their experience is unique to them. However, the majority of patients are pleasantly surprised to find that the dental implant isn’t half as bad as they had feared and is usually more comfortable than they had expected. Many say it is more comfortable than root canal treatment, fillings, and even bridge placement.

If you’d like to learn more about dental implants in Richmond, or find out if you’re a suitable candidate, then why not take advantage of the free consultation that Sheen Dental offers. Call us today on 020 8876 5277 or book online at We look forward to meeting you.