Is There Any Age Restriction For Dental Implants?

Dental technology has advanced in leaps and bounds and this is particularly the case over the last couple of decades with regards to dental implants. In Richmond, at Sheen Dental, we have seen a huge rise in patient numbers undergoing surgery for dental implants which not so long ago is a treatment that would have only been the preserve of the very rich. Thanks to advances in the manufacturing of dental implants and more affordable costs, many patients are now reaping the benefits of dental implants.

dental implants in RichmondTooth loss is natural in childhood and is celebrated with a visit from the ‘tooth fairy’. However, losing a tooth is not a thing to be celebrated in adults since there is no replacement tooth waiting to erupt through the gums. Instead, it can affect both oral health and emotional well-being. Dental implants are a permanent form of tooth replacement which have many advantages over other forms of tooth replacement including dentures and bridges and are extremely strong, long lasting and natural looking.

Who can have dental implants?

Dental implants are really only suitable for adults since the jaw is still developing in children and early teens. Only once the jaw has fully developed would we consider fitting dental implants. This age varies from one individual to another and may be as young as 16 in a female or as old as 19 in a male. Going to the other end of the scale, we have also planted implants into the mouths of seniors in their early nineties! The main criteria is not so much about age as about a patient being healthy enough to undergo surgery and having a sufficient mass of healthy bone in their jaw to support an implant. This doesn’t mean that a person would be excluded if they had suffered bone loss, since in many cases it is possible for us to carry out a bone graft prior to implant surgery. Every patient is different and is assessed on an individual basis.

What are the main benefits of dental implants?

One of the most important benefits of dental implants is that is completely restores oral function. This means that a person with implants can eat any type of food they like, including crunchy fruit and vegetables, lean meat, and nuts, knowing their implants are firmly secured into the jaw and won’t move around as traditional dentures do. For many people, particularly our older patients, it means they can eat a more healthy well balance diet which in turn benefits their overall health. In addition, an implant slows down bone loss since it replaces a tooth root and stimulates the bone to produce healthy bone growth which means the face retains its natural shape and structure, keeping a person looking more youthful.

If you’re interested in learning more about getting a dental implant in Richmond then we recommend that you schedule a free, no obligation consultation by calling on 020 8876 5277. Alternatively you can read more on our website at