Is Undergoing Surgery For Dental Implants Painful?

Whether you’re thinking about undergoing dental implants in Richmond or indeed anywhere else in the country, you might have read some horror stories about just how long the surgical process is and how painful. The reality is that this couldn’t be further from the truth.

dental implants in RichmondFitting dental implants is a routine process and when you choose an experienced implant dentist such as Dr Harmit Kalsi (right here at Sheen Dental) then you’re in safe hands. Most experienced dentists have both the technology and the skills to deliver speedy, pain free surgery and this goes for dental implants too.

So how do they do this?

The implantation process is normally carried out under a local anaesthetic known as conscious sedation. It can be delivered either intravenously into the back of the hand or through inhalation via a small nose piece. The anaesthetic is such that it leaves you in a state of total relaxation (I guess you could call it ‘care-free abandonment’) while remaining awake. This is done so that a patient can easily respond to the requirements of the surgeon during the process but also so that they remain unaware of what’s going on.

So how long does surgery take?

This all depends on the amount of work needed to be done. If for instance it’s one or two uncomplicated implants then an hour or so should be all that’s needed. Obviously for multiple implants and bone grafting, surgery time will take longer. That said with precision equipment and computer-aided technology, dental implant surgery is a relatively speedy process.

What about afterwards?

When it comes to undergoing dental implants in Richmond there are usually no open wounds so healing time is relatively quick and uneventful. Patients can expect some minor discomfort such as a little bruising and possibly swelling but it’s generally managed with over the counter anti-inflammatory tablets. Some people return to work the very next day with no problems at all, while for others, more complex surgery might take a little longer to heal. However in general terms, even the most complicated implant surgery should have you eating normally and fully recovered within 3 weeks.

If you want to find out more information about dental implants in Richmond and how the process works then we urge you to contact us and book yourself a free, no-obligation consultation. By doing so you can get all your questions and concerns answered allowing you to make a fully-informed dental decision. No only this, you get to meet Dr Kalsi and the team and see where the process takes place. Visit our website at or contact us direct on 020 8876 5277 to make a booking.