I’ve Got Diabetes So Can I Have Dental Implants?

A dental implant in Richmond or elsewhere in the UK for that matter, is a popular method of replacing a missing tooth to restore both functionality and appearance. However, if you’ve been researching implants then you’ve probably read that diabetics do not make good candidates for dental implants. Although patients with diabetes are more at risk of dental implant failure it doesn’t mean that they are automatically ruled out from having implant treatment. While it’s true that a person with uncontrolled diabetes shouldn’t undergo dental implant surgery, we have treated patients with uncontrolled diabetes and they’ve faired very well.

dental-implantsWhy are diabetics more at risk of implant failure?

Diabetics with type 1 or type 2 diabetes are more at risk of implant failure for a couple of reasons. Firstly, they take longer to heal and secondly they’re prone to infection. Because diabetics are more susceptible to infections like gum disease it puts them more at risk of implant failure. An infection around the site of the implant can cause it to fail or lead to other complications. Diabetes can also affect the osseointegration process which is where the jawbone bonds around the implant to hold it firmly in place in the jaw, a bit like a tooth root. In a diabetic this process may take longer than usual and sometime doesn’t happen at all. However, by eating a well balanced diet, exercising, and taking regular medication, diabetics can get their disease under control and increase the likelihood of successful dental implant treatment.

What can a diabetic do to ensure a successful dental implant?

Thankfully there are steps a diabetic can take to improve their chances of successful dental implant treatment by working closely with their doctor and their dentist. We’ve put together a few tips to follow:

  • Get your diabetes under control – This is the very first thing to do if you’re considering dental implants in Richmond. Work with your doctor and seek advice on diet and exercise and more importantly, make sure you take all of your prescribed medication.
  • Stick to a good oral hygiene routine – Diabetics are more prone to oral health problems such as gum disease, tooth decay, and dry mouth. It’s more important than ever to brush your teeth twice a day and floss once a day to keep your mouth healthy.
  • Get gum disease treated – If you have gum disease then it’s vital that you visit your dentist for treatment as soon as you can, before it gets more serious, and to improve your chances of being accepted for dental implant treatment.
  • Attend regular dental check-ups – Regular dental check-ups are important for all patients but particularly for diabetics who are more prone to oral health problems. Regular check-ups are even more important following dental implant treatment to monitor progress and make sure there are no problems.

If you’re missing a tooth or several teeth and are diabetic, then don’t dismiss dental implants in Richmond until you’ve come and spoken with the team at Sheen Dental. We offer a free implant consultation where you can meet Dr. Harmit Kalsi, discuss your goals, and learn more about all of your restorative options, including dental implants. Call us today on 020 8876 5277 or book online at www.sheendentalimplants.co.uk. We look forward to meeting you.