I’ve heard that Dental Implants Are Extremely Expensive Is This True?

So you might well be considering dental implants in Richmond but you’re kind of put off because you’ve heard that they’re extremely expensive. Compared to other forms of missing tooth replacement then I guess you could say that initially they are, but what do we mean by this? Let’s take a closer look.

dental implants in RichmondBecause of the way that dental implants are secured (eg, straight into the jaw bone) they are the most permanent form of teeth replacement that modern dentistry has. If we look at conventional dentures which sit on the gum line for example, they’re held in place by a combination of pure suction and dental adhesive. The problem is that this isn’t particularly secure and most denture wearers find they experience problems at some time or other in keeping their dentures firmly in place.

Perhaps a more decisive factor is that conventional dentures can’t stop the ongoing bone loss process that occurs naturally when teeth go missing. As a result the jaw shrinks over time meaning that once snug fitting dentures need to be adjusted and eventually replaced. When you consider that this has to be done roughly every 7-10 years, the costs of dentures soon start to mount up.

Because implants are placed directly into the jaw bone using a titanium rod, the surrounding bone tissue begins to fuse with it and over a period of a few months it forms a strengthened platform upon which a dentist can attach a life like porcelain crown. Meanwhile as the bone tissue is fusing with the implant so the titanium rod is also re-stimulating the bone tissue that initially started to waste away when the original tooth root was missing. This halts any further bone loss once and for all. Ultimately because bone loss doesn’t affect the longevity of a dental implant they have been proven to last forty years or more in some patients. When you consider that’s around 4 times the lifespan of a conventional denture, over the long-term dental implants actually become a cost-effective option.

What about the initial outlay?

Agreed the longevity of a dental implant in Richmond doesn’t really negate the initially expensive outlay, however most dental clinics including ours at Sheen Dental, offer a variety of flexible ways to pay for treatment, some of which involve spreading payments over a period of months. This makes it more affordable to those who are in desperate need of teeth replacement but can’t afford to cover the whole cost in one go.

So getting back to the question “Are dental implants really expensive?” the answer we like to give is that “they’re a long-term, cost-effective way of preserving your dental health.”

For further details regarding dental implants in Richmond, then check out our website at www.sheendentalimplants.co.uk where you’ll find a wealth of information. Alternatively if you’d like to book a free, no-obligation consultation then contact us directly on 020 8876 5277 today and start the ball rolling towards restoring your great looking smile.