Just How Successful Are Dental Implants?

If you’re considering dental implants in Richmond as a way to replace your missing teeth then you’ve probably done a little research. During this research you might have come across the term ‘success rates’. But what does this actually mean?

dental implants in RichmondResearch has shown that on average the overall success rate of a dental implant is around 95%. This may be more in some clinics and less in others, but what it does mean is that some individuals will at some time or another end up with implant failure.

So why is this?

Firstly like all surgical procedures dental implants can never be guaranteed 100% successful and comments to the contrary, should be taken with a pinch of salt. There reason is that there are way too many factors in play that can determine success and failure of dental implants, many of which are out of the surgeon’s control. Let’s take a closer look at some of them.

Osseointegration failure

Bone fusion (otherwise known as osseointegration) plays an important part in the implant process and occurs during a period of time after an implant has been placed into the jawbone. In a normal patient the surrounding natural bone tissue fuses around the implant to create that all-important, super-strong platform. This takes anywhere between 8-12 weeks. In other patients, particularly those who suffer from uncontrollable diabetes and those who smoke heavily, the prognosis is often considerably longer. In some cases osseointegration doesn’t occur at all and without the bone fusion, the implant can’t function.


In the early days of a dental implant smoking can cause significant problems because bacteria is carried in tobacco smoke which can lead to gum disease and eventually peri-implantitis.

In severe cases the implant becomes loose and will eventually fall out. For this reason dentists recommend that for the best chance of implant success people quit smoking altogether. However if for whatever reason this isn’t possible, recommendations are that smokers need to cease for the duration of the procedure which can be up to 9 months.

Low standards of oral hygiene

Once you take the plunge and opt for dental implants you’re entering into a long-term commitment to look after your new teeth. This means maintaining high standards of regular brushing, flossing and rinsing, and attending regular dental check-ups. A short-fall in any of these can easily lead to implant problems which, if not discovered and treated, can lead to implant failure.

In essence if as a patient you continue to do everything as instructed in your treatment plan and the implant dentist you choose is an experienced one then you should have no problems whatsoever. There are of course other reasons why implants fail, such as implant rejection, but in reality these are few and far between.

To find out more about dental implants in Richmond, then why not contact Sheen Dental for a free, no-obligation consultation. Here you can get all your questions and concerns answered before you make a final decision. To make a booking either visit our website at www.sheendentalimplants.co.uk or contact us directly on 020 8876 5277.