Looking For A Reason To Choose Dental Implants? – Here’s 4 Of The Best

Have you lost teeth or know that you’re about to lose some? Perhaps you’re undecided whether or not to choose dental implants in Richmond. Maybe you’ve been looking into other tooth replacement solutions? Here at Sheen Dental we offer a variety of dental implant options which will help you get the results you need to live a healthy lifestyle.

dental-implants-richmondWe know that it’s difficult living without teeth, and we want to do all we can to help you improve your quality of life. Dental implants can give you back your self esteem and confidence; its also been suggested that they can help you find a partner in love, and climb up the career ladder! If you’re not convinced then here are 4 more reasons to opt for dental implants.

  1. Eat what you want – If you’re looking to get back the functionality that you had with all of your teeth, then dental implants could be for you. They replace almost 100% of the natural chewing power, enabling you to bite into a crisp apple and chew on a juicy steak. Removable dentures don’t have the same chewing power and it’s impossible to eat these foods with them.
  2. Custom designed to look completely natural – Our dentures and crowns are carefully designed to look completely natural. We work with you to choose the size, shape, and colour of your new teeth so that they don’t look false or unnatural.
  3. Dental implants are permanent and will last many years – Because dental implants are placed into the jawbone and integrate with the surrounding bone and soft tissues, they become a permanent fixture in your mouth. With proper care and attention to oral hygiene, you can expect 20 or even more, years of service from them.
  4. Your oral health will be improved – As well as improving functionality and appearance, dental implants also help maintain your oral health. Not only do they prevent the jaw from changing shape due to bone loss (which is the reason that traditional dentures lose their fit over time), but because they’re brushed and flossed in the mouth like natural teeth, they’re easier to clean and less likely to harbour bacteria, like removable dentures.
  5. If you like the sound of these four great perks, then we recommend you book a free consultation with Sheen Dental. During your consultation you’ll be able to meet Dr. Harmit Kalsi and ask any other questions that you have about getting a dental implant in Richmond. You can book your consultation by calling 020 8876 5277 or contact us online at www.sheendentalimplants.co.uk. We’ll be happy to give you advice on this life-changing decision.