Looking Into Common Dental implant Problems

Whether you’re thinking of undergoing dental implants in Richmond, or anywhere else in the UK you might need to consider the risks involved. Although around 95% of all implants succeed, the remaining 5% can encounter problems. Dental implant issues can stem from a wide variety of sources including incorrect procedures carried out by the surgeon (mainly due to inexperience), a patient not caring for their implants correctly, or in rare cases, a problem with the implant itself. Let’s take a look at some of these possible problems, so that anyone considering implants as a tooth replacement option, fully understands the risks involved.

Incorrect placement

dental implants in RichmondFor implants to succeed they have to be placed in exactly the right position. A few millimetres out and it might cause nerve damage, or alternatively the implant might be subjected to an incorrect bite causing excess wear and tear. Although it’s fair to say that modern technology ensures that 99.9% of the guess work is taken out of placing implants, an inexperienced dentist might make a mistake. Therefore never be afraid to ask the surgeon what experience they have before you fully commit.


Just like any natural tooth, an implant is prone to infections in and around the area. If not dealt with early on it can cause swelling which can in some circumstances be painful. Ultimately gum disease takes hold and the implant becomes loose and eventually falls out. More often than not the only recourse is to remove the implant (if it hasn’t already fallen out), deal with the infection, then refit it (or a new one entirely). Understandably, this can cost both more money and considerable time.


In some cases, an implant fails to fuse with the surrounding natural bone tissue in a process known as osseointegration. This is key to implant success. Those who smoke, drink heavily or suffer with uncontrollable diabetes or osteoporosis are more like to to be at risk and could result it it being impossible to fit a dental implant. In Richmond,here at Sheen Dental we always give any potential patient a full health check before we proceed in order to minimise these risks.

Sinus problems

In rare cases when an implant is placed in the upper jaw, it can negatively affect the sinus cavity causing sinus problems. This is why on most occasions a sinus-lift is carried out prior to placement in this area.

To get a complete overall view of dental implants in Richmond and to fully understand the risks involved then book a free no obligation consultation with Sheen Dental on 020 8876 5277. Alternatively why not visit our website at www.sheendentaimplants.co.uk where a wealth of information awaits.