Lower Dentures Are Completely Useless!

We recently came across an article from a specialist in false teeth which actually said that “dentures are better than nothing at all” and to be honest, we’d probably have to agree. Lower dentures are, in our opinion, right at the bottom of the rubbish pile and what with the tongue muscles getting in the way, it doesn’t stand a chance of staying put. Meanwhile the patient is doing his or her best to speak or eat, with the dentures sliding about with a life of their own. They can make a person’s life a misery. It’s a struggle to eat solid food, and it’s way too embarrassing to be seen in public, so the result is a life of solitary confinement! No matter how many times the dentures are adjusted, the misery continues.

dental implants in RichmondSo what’s the answer?

Dental implants. In Richmond at Sheen Dental we’ve totally transformed the lives of many of our patients who are denture wearers by securing them with dental implants. Often the patient’s own denture can be modified using special fixtures which snap onto 2 to 4 implants placed into the lower jaw. This method keeps the costs right down, reduces the need for expensive bridgework, and often mini implants can be used which are less invasive than conventional implants with a far shorter surgery and healing time.

Similar to standard implants, mini implants consist of small titanium posts which are placed into the jaw using a local anaesthetic and bond with the bone to act as a tooth root. The head of the implant is shaped like a ball and the retaining fixture in the base of the denture acts like a socket and snaps into position over the ball. Implants can also be used to retain upper dentures but for most people these don’t present such a problem since suction works to keep them in place.

Benefits to the denture wearer

People who wear dentures often lack the confidence to go out in public for fear that their dentures will move about and embarrass them. Knowing they are secure, restores their confidence and lets them ease their way back into society. What’s more the implants allow the denture wearer to eat a greater variety of food, including crunchy vegetables and fruit, as well as lean meat, which previously was almost impossible. This can improve their overall health and well being. Also because the denture is no longer sliding around, there’s no need for dental adhesive and sore gums become a thing of the past.

If you’re tired of coping with your dentures then a dental implant in Richmond could be just the answer. Why not come and talk to us and we’ll discuss your options. Call us today on 020 8876 5277 or visit our website at www.sheendentalimplants.co.uk. We look forward to meeting you.