Maintaining Your Dental Implants After Surgery

If you’ve undergone surgery for dental implants in Richmond, there are probably many reasons why you’ve made this choice over other forms of tooth replacement. One of these might be the longevity factor. It’s true that dental implants have been proven to last over 40 years but only if they’re taken care of correctly. As such it takes a lifetime’s worth of commitment on your part to make sure this happens. So what do you need to do?

Good standards of oral care

dental implants in RichmondObviously the first factor in making sure your implants remain in tip-top condition is to practice good all-round oral care and this means regular and proper brushing, flossing, and rinsing. Simply by doing this you’ll eradicate any bacteria that could otherwise harm your implants. When combined with regular trips to the dentist for check-ups, it’s a formidable defence that will help to improve the life of your implants.


Most people who have been fitted with dental implants in Richmond state that they’re amazed that they can now eat anything they like which before might not have been possible. While eating anything you fancy can be a good thing, if you choose to continually eat sugary foods or sweets then of course it’s not such good news for your newly placed implants. Sugary foods for example can cause an excess build-up of plaque which can lead to gum disease if not treated. This in turn attacks the gum which can eventually undermine the implant. Conversely, foods such as fresh fruit, green vegetables, and lean meat not only contain less sugar, but they also contain many essential nutrients that are not only better for your teeth but are better for your overall health. As such they can help to strengthen your immune system to fight any infection that might otherwise harm your teeth.

Lifestyle choices

You probably don’t have to be an expert to know that smoking is bad for you, but did you know that it’s also bad for implants? Smoking carries bacteria which can play havoc with dental implants particularly if they’re newly placed. In addition, smoking also slows down the bone regeneration process which is essential for implant success, so if you really want to prolong the life of your implants, then don’t smoke.

In essence if you lead a healthy lifestyle, eat relatively well, and maintain good standards of oral hygiene then there’s no reason why your implants won’t last. For further information on how to look after your dental implants in Richmond then why not speak to Sheen Dental. We offer all prospective patients the chance to have a free, no obligation consultation where you can get your questions answered and meet Dr. Harmit Kalsi and the team. Contact us directly on 020 8876 5277 or via our website at Go on, what have you got to lose?