Missing A Few Teeth? Does It Really Matter?

Although most people would rush to replace a front tooth that is missing there’s many more that are quite relaxed when it comes to replacing a missing tooth in a far less obvious place, such as the back of the mouth. To ignore a missing tooth, however, can have many underlying consequences which aren’t necessarily that obvious.


It’s impossible to ignore the aesthetics of a missing tooth. Although young children look cute when they’re missing their front teeth, the same can’t be said for adults. As a result most people will choose to replace a missing front tooth with a dental implant in Richmond, or a bridge or denture.

However, the gap caused by a less obvious missing tooth not only looks visually unappealing but can lead to other dental problems. The adjacent teeth will start to shift position in an attempt to fill the gap, which then means other teeth will follow suit and move into the spaces left by those teeth. Over a period of time this causes a crooked uneven smile which may need dental intervention to correct

Bone loss

Another far from obvious consequence of a missing tooth is the bone loss that occurs, whether the missing tooth is in the front or the rear of the mouth. As this occurs overtime, the face starts to slowly change shape which can create a sagging effect and premature ageing.

Loss of bone also makes it harder to receive a dental implant. Without sufficient bone in which to place the implant, a person may need a bone graft to add volume to the bone. This causes a delay and additional costs. Therefore we advise anyone considering a dental implant in Richmond to go for it sooner rather than later.


If several teeth are missing a person may find their speech is affected and this can lower their confidence levels and can impact their social and work life.

If you’ve lost a tooth and are weighing up your replacement options then why not come and speak to us about getting a dental implant. We’ve been placing dental implants in Richmond for a number of years and many of our patients tell us that implants have totally changed their quality of life. To book a free consultation you can phone us direct on 020 88767 5277 or contact us online at www.sheendentalimplants.co.uk.