Multiple teeth dental implants
one for each missing tooth, or by joining two or more implants together. Another option is to use between two and six dental implants to hold in place implant retained dentures in Richmond. The latter option can make implant treatment more affordable if you are missing many teeth.
Replacing back teeth
At Sheen Dental Implants in Richmond, we know that the importance of replacing missing back teeth cannot be over emphasised. These are the large multi-rooted teeth that are designed to do the main work of chewing food. They are your grinding and crunching teeth and provide the most powerful bite of all the teeth.
When your back teeth have been lost, all the chewing workload will get transferred to the single-rooted teeth at the front of your mouth. These front teeth are simply not designed to grind and crunch food in the way your back teeth are. These excess stresses on your front teeth will inevitably cause damage in the long-term to the rest of your teeth. This is another important reason implant retained dentures in Richmond, could be just the option you need.
What about my other teeth?
Over time, the gaps where your teeth used to be will start to be reabsorbed into your jawbone and the gums will also start to recede. In turn, this will cause the remaining surrounding teeth to become loose and potentially fall out in the future. In time, the surrounding teeth will also drift, push and move out of their normal position, which can lead to further complications. You could stop this deterioration with the use of implant retained dentures in Richmond.
How many implants will I need for implant retained dentures?
As little as two dental implants in your lower jaw are proven to significantly help overcome the social and physical limitations experienced by complete denture wearers. With as little as four implants in your upper jaw, you could face the rest of your life without fear of your dentures slipping, or falling out. With implant retained dentures in Richmond, you will feel healthier, happier and free to live your life the way you want.