My Teeth Are Fine – Why Do I Need A Regular Dental Check-up?

Did you know that even after undergoing lengthy treatment for a dental implant, Richmond patients will still be asked to attend regular dental check-ups? In fact even if you’ve had no problems with your teeth at all, a six-monthly visit to your dentist is far more than just an inconvenience.

dental implants in RichmondOne of the main issues with dental decay, gum disease, or implant problems, such as peri-implantitis, are that they’re silent. By this I mean that as a non-dentist you probably won’t even notice that anything is wrong. What’s more unless the problem is extremely severe, there’s usually no pain attached either. For this reason dental check-ups are important.

Consider a dental check-up as an MOT for your teeth. After all if you never service your car, then you can bet your bottom dollar that sooner or later it’s going to go wrong. When it does you just know it’s going to be costly. The same can be said for your teeth. During a routine check-up a dentist should be able to highlight any problems and deal with them before they escalate into something far more serious and indeed something more expensive to put right.

Let’s take a patient who’s recently undergone treatment for dental implants in Richmond. In the early stages implants can fall foul to attacks from bacteria. If it take hold then it can cause irreparable damage to a newly placed implant. When a patient comes in for a regular check-up they’ll receive a thorough oral examination especially around the implant area, but they’ll also be treated by the hygienist. They make sure that any plaque or tartar build-up that can’t be removed by brushing alone is removed in the dental clinic, giving your implant/s a greater chance of survival.

But what about those who have no known problems with their teeth. What’s in it for them?

In essence they get a full dental assessment. As part of the examination process your dentist will

  • Offer a full examination of the gums looking for signs of gum disease
  • Give a full assessment of your bite and how it fits together
  • Carry out a check-up of any existing crowns, dentures or fillings
  • Present you with a full digital charting of your teeth, so you can see first hand any problems or issues
  • Undertake a full oral assessment for any other diseases such as oral cancer

The reality is that a visit to the dentist for a six monthly check-up isn’t an inconvenience it’s a reassurance that both you and your teeth remain healthy and in tip-top condition.

If you’d like to find out more about dental assessments or indeed dental implants in Richmond, then why not book yourself a free, no-obligation consultation with Sheen Dental. During the appointment Dr Harmit Kalsi and the team will give you advice on the best dental options for you going forwards. To book yours either visit our website at or contact us directly on 020 8876 5277.We look forward to welcoming you to our clinic.