Preventative care for dentures in Richmond

Good health is a lifestyle choice, and it is the small choices that we make every day that build the foundation of a healthy life.

Good oral hygiene is very important for the care of dentures as it reduces the risk of serious illnesses and infection.

dentures-in-richmondCreate a routine

The best thing about creating good habits is that they are hard to break, the longer you commit to a habit the harder it is to break.  Think about it, if every day you have a shower and one day you don’t, most people will find they feel uncomfortable and just not quite right.

If you wear dentures in Richmond, create a habit and commit to a daily routine.

Recommended routine

Committing to a good oral hygiene routine will pay dividends and committing to the following steps will ensure the correct care for your denture:

  • Remove and rinse your dentures after eating;
  • Brush your dentures at least once a day with a soft toothbrush, nail brush or denture brush and a good denture cleaner;
  • Don’t use toothpaste to brush your dentures; it is too abrasive;
  • Dentures should be stored in water or an alkaline peroxide treatment specifically for this purpose;
  • Brush your gums and tongue everyday with an extra soft toothbrush (a different one to the one used to clean your dentures);
  • Rinse your dentures before putting them back in your mouth.

If dentures are not cared for properly, and good oral hygiene followed, the underside of dentures can become a breeding ground for oral bacteria and fungi which can cause odours, inflammation and disease.

Recommended brushes and cleaners for dentures

If you are not sure what or how to effectively clean your dentures in Richmond, discuss this with the team at Sheen Dental and ask for recommendations on the best products and correct techniques.

Remember it is your health and well-being that is important and it is much easier and cost effective to prevent disease than to treat it. If you think it takes too much time to implement a good routine, time yourself, it can really surprise you on how little time it actually takes to do something compared to how long we think it will take.