Reasons to Choose A fixed Bridge Over Removable Dentures

Living without teeth can be a miserable experience. Not only do you look older since your facial muscles start to sag, but speaking is problematic too and you’ll probably find yourself mumbling. In addition it’s very difficult to eat a varied diet and more often than not, you’ll find yourself resorting to soft puréed food, almost like a baby. There are two main options for replacing teeth that have been lost through gum disease, tooth decay, or injury, and that’s a fixed bridge or removable dentures.

Should I get dentures or a fixed bridge?

dental implants in RichmondDentures are a popular method of replacing missing teeth and for many patients their attraction is their ease of installation in the mouth, and their relatively low cost. In fact they are a quick fix solution to getting your smile back. However, apart from the above benefits they do little to help a patient in the long term. Conventional removable dentures sit over the gums but it is possible for them to be anchored into the jaw using dental implants in Richmond.

The disadvantages of removable dentures (and there are many) include:

  • Sore gums caused by shifting of dentures
  • Unnatural appearance
  • Speech is affected
  • Discomfort when eating
  • Loss of taste
  • Bone loss continues

Unless a patient’s main concern is cost, then removable dentures really aren’t the best option for improving the functionality and aesthetics of their smile.

Why a fixed bridge is a better option

Fixed bridges such as the All on 4 system, involve replacing a whole arch of teeth using as little as 4 dental implants (or 8 if both arches are replaced). There are a few different ways of installing a fixed bridge into the mouth and your implant dentist will discuss what’s best in your particular case. Typically the procedure for getting a fixed bridge is as follows:

  1. Your dentist will discuss the best method of installing your fixed bridge into your mouth
  2. Dental implants will be placed into the gums to act as tooth roots and to put a halt to further bone loss
  3. Over the course of a few dental visits, your bridge will be installed on top of the implants
  4. You’ll be rewarded with a beautiful new smile; you’ll be able to eat your favourite foods once more; you’ll also be able to speak clearly

The benefits of a fixed bridge over removable dentures far outweigh those of removable dentures. A fixed bridge looks and feels like your natural teeth and provides a lifetime solution to tooth loss. If you take great care when brushing your new teeth then they should last anywhere between 10-20 years.

If you’re interested to learn more about how the dental implant in Richmond treatment can help with tooth loss, then come and speak with Sheen Dental. We’ve been fitting implants for many years and have hundreds of satisfied customers. If cost is a concern, then we do offer a variety of payment options to help you spread the cost of treatment. Why not book a free implant consultation at or call us direct on 020 8876 5277. We look forward to meeting you.