Reduce Your Sugar Intake Now Before It’s Too Late

For many people who have undergone dental implants in Richmond it’s because they suffered from decaying or missing teeth. Unfortunately one of the largest contributing factors to tooth decay is high levels of sugar. According to a recent survey carried out by the Ministry for Public Health around 30% of a child’s entire sugar intake comes from sugary drinks. In fact just recently, Tesco made a statement by withdrawing lunch-boxed sized drinks of Ribena and Capri Sun, both of which were found to hold exceptionally high levels of sugar.

dental implants in RichmondHere at Sheen Dental we’ve put together some top tips to help you reduce your sugar intake and protect your teeth.

Think about alternatives to sugary soft drinks

Sugar-free cordials, water, and milk are great alternatives to drinks with high sugar content. If you do however fancy a sugar rush with a full fat fizzy drink then look to drink some water immediately afterwards, or even by having it with the drink by taking alternate sips.

Brush after drinking or eating

With regards to your teeth, sugary foods and drink really only become a problem if the sticky residue left behind is allowed to linger. When it does it can form plaque which if not removed can then start to attack your teeth and gums. Therefore think about giving your teeth a thorough brush shortly after eating that doughnut or drinking that fizzy drink to remove the residue that’s left behind.

Don’t go cold turkey

If you do like a whole heap of sugar in your tea or coffee then it probably won’t work if you decide to omit it completely. Instead try to wean yourself off it gradually by decreasing the amount over a period of time. Not only will the benefits be huge to your oral and overall health, you won’t have to stop your caffeine fix.

Make the cereal switch

If you like nothing better than a bowl of cereal in the mornings then you might want to consider switching your sugar coated variety to whole grain cereals such as Weetabix or Shredded Wheat. If you need a sugary fix try adding some fresh fruit instead of sugar. You can even count it towards your five a day.

So there you have it, 4 top tips to reduce your sugar intake! If you haven’t heeded the sugar warnings and have suffered missing teeth because of it then you may want to consider dental implants in Richmond. We invite you to book a free, no-obligation consultation where you can get all your questions and concerns answered about dental implants, allowing you to make a fully informed decision. To book yours visit our website at or alternatively contact us directly on 020 8876 5277. Remember you shouldn’t have to suffer with missing teeth, so do something about it today!