Regain your confidence with dental implants in Richmond

Losing teeth not only impacts your dental health but can also lead to a loss of confidence and a self-consciousness about your appearance. At Sheen Dental in Richmond, dental implants can save you worry and discomfort by providing a long-lasting, stable alternative to dentures.

dental-implants-in-richmondDental implants over dentures?

Dentures are a long-standing treatment for filling in the gaps created by missing teeth. However patients often worry if their dentures will stay in place when eating tough or chewy foods and can also experience irritation from their dentures rubbing against their mouth. Dental implants avoid all of these pitfalls, as they form artificial roots within your jawbone that replacement teeth can be securely fixed to.

Dental implants are essentially small screws made of lightweight titanium that integrate into the jawbone. A single dental implant can hold multiple replacement teeth, so whether you need a single tooth or several teeth replaced, dental implants in Richmond are the solution for you.

What’s involved in getting dental implants in Richmond?

At Sheen Dental our experienced dentists will talk you through all of your treatment options after a comprehensive examination of your mouth to ensure all of your dental health needs are met.

Using clinically proven techniques, we will fit your dental implants under local anaesthetic or for more nervous patients, under sedation. With our same day service you may even be able to walk away with a new set of dental implants and temporary teeth within the day. After several months of healing, you will be fitted with permanent replacement teeth, leaving you with a natural look and feel. We will provide you with all of the guidance and advice you need to ensure your dental implants will last for years to come.

Sheen Dental in Richmond: dental implants made for you

We provide a personalised, professional service in a friendly, caring environment. Understanding the financial demands that dental treatment can impose, we also offer several financial packages to spread the cost. View our smile gallery online to see just how successful our treatments are.

We are happy to answer all of your dental implant queries and concerns, so please do get in touch today.