Removable Dentures and Dental Implants – Exploring Your Options Part 2

In part one of this article we talked about the benefits and disadvantages of standard removable dentures. Now in part two we’re going to discuss another option and that’s dental implants. In Richmond, here at Sheen Dental, Dr Harmit Kalsi and the team have been successfully fitting implants for many years. So let’s take about the pros and cons of implants.

Firstly the disadvantages…

dental implants in RichmondThe main stumbling block that many people first encounter when considering dental implants is the cost. On average patients can expect to pay somewhere between £700 and £1200 per tooth depending upon where you go. Because of a whole host of factors including expensive components that make up the dental implant and the skills of the implant surgeon needed to fit them, it’s understandable that they don’t come cheap. That said, when you look at them as a long-term investment they might be considered a good deal (more about this later on)’

Another disadvantage is that they require surgery. Although it’s a painless process, the implant needs to be inserted into the jaw bone to give a solid platform upon which to place the crown. For those who can’t contemplate undergoing any type of surgical procedure, this might not be the option for them.

Finally to have a perfect set of natural looking implants can take up to 9 months to achieve. This is because successful dental implants rely on a natural healing process known as osseointegration (bone fusion). For this reason, anyone looking for quick fix results, might be disappointed. That said, there are other form of dental implants in Richmond, that can be fitted in as little as a day so if you are concerned about the time restraints, then speak to us here at Sheen Dental and we’ll tell you more.

Okay so what about the advantages?

One of the main reasons why more and more people are opting for dental implants over dentures is because of their longevity. Aside from the fact that they look and (to a certain extent) behave just like your natural teeth once they’re fitted, then provided they’re cared for in the correct way, they have been known to last forty years or more. For this reason, although they are initially more expensive to buy, they can work out cheaper in the long run, especially when you consider the number of times you’d have to pay for new dentures during that same period. It’s understandable therefore that dental implants in Richmond are fast becoming the tooth replacement of choice.

Another advantage is that unlike their counterparts, dental implants can actually halt bone loss. Because they’re anchored directly into the jaw bone the body’s natural bone tissue merges and fuses with the titanium post creating a strong platform which halts further bone degeneration. The results are a fuller face, a more youthful look and a natural looking smile.

Finally, they’re hassle free. Once the implants are inserted and the crowns are placed, they’re treated just like your normal teeth. This means no fixatives are needed to keep them in place and there’s no need to remove them at night. In fact all it takes to maintain them is a good brush and floss twice a day and regular 6 monthly check-ups. That’s it!

So there you have it the pros and cons of dental implants and (in part 1) removable dentures!

Just to recap, dental implants…..

  • Require a surgical process and aren’t a quick fix solution
  • They’re initially more expensive but might be considered cost-effective in the long term
  • Can halt bone loss making for a more youthful look, and finally….
  • They’re a natural looking, hassle free option that can last forty years or more.

If you want to find out more about dental implants in Richmond, then contact Sheen Dental on 020 8876 5277 or visit our website at