Replacing Just A Single Lost Tooth Can Restore Your Smile

When it comes to adult tooth loss we can’t stress enough the important of replacing missing teeth. Many people shrug off the loss of a single tooth thinking that it makes little difference to their smile, especially if it can’t be seen, but it can cause neighbouring teeth to shift into the gap which can cause misalignments or further tooth loss. Here at Sheen Dental we discuss with patients various single tooth replacement options such as dental implants in Richmond which anchor dental restorations securely into the jaw. Implants are the best method today to restore the function, appearance, and beauty of a smile following tooth loss.

Conventional dental bridge

dental implants in RichmondTraditionally when a tooth is lost the solution is to use a dental bridge which fills the gap that is left behind by a missing tooth or teeth. This is supported at either end by a dental crown which is placed over existing teeth. Although they’re an effective means of replacing teeth they do require for the healthy teeth that are to support the dental bridge to be modified to fit the crown. This weakens them and can lead to dental decay which can impact on the bridgework. Because of the downsides of traditional bridges we prefer in cases where a patient is missing one or a few teeth, to use dental bridge work that is secured by dental implants rather than crowns.

Dental Implants

Thanks to advancements of modern dental technology more dentists than ever are moving beyond traditional treatments and offering their patients more advanced treatments such as dental implants which have many benefits. The dental implant is surgically placed into the area of the jawbone where the missing tooth once was and left to fuse with the surrounding bone and gum tissue. Once it’s fully healed then it’s capped with a custom made dental crown.

Benefits of dental implants

A dental implant is the closest thing to a natural tooth since it replicates the entire structure of a tooth, including the root. As a result it’s attached permanently into the mouth and the titanium post stimulates the bone and surrounding tissue, helping to regenerate the bone and keep it healthy. It’s shaped and coloured to blend in seamlessly with a patient’s remaining teeth and it’s also cared for in the same way with brushing and flossing. If looked after properly it has the potential to last for well in excess of 25 years. In fact implants have been known to last for as long as 40 years and in this example they were still healthy when the wearer died.

There are several options to consider if you have suffered tooth loss but we’re of the opinion that all patients deserve the best and that’s what you get with a dental implant in Richmond. If you’d like to find out more about dental implants and if they’re suitable for you, then why not come and have a chat with Dr. Kalsi and the team. We offer a free consultation where you can get your questions answered. Call us today on 020 8876 5277 or contact us on line at