Reverse The Ageing Process With Same Day Teeth

If you thought that replacing an entire arch of teeth would mean a traditional denture and all the cons that accompany it, or alternatively a mouthful of dental implants, then you’ll be pleased to know that this isn’t the only solution available to you. We can use dental implants in Richmond to provide you with a set of modern non removable dentures.

same-day-teethThe good news is that you can have a strong permanent full arch of teeth replaced in just one day using advanced implant dentistry. In the recent past, getting implant retained dentures would have meant having 6-10 implants per denture combined with a healing time of up to a year. Nowadays thanks to our ‘same day teeth’ technology, a patient only requires as few as 4 implants per denture. They can have them placed and leave the clinic the same day with their temporary denture, so they’re never without teeth. Once the implants have fully healed, the patient will need to return to the clinic to have their permanent denture attached.

Same day teeth are more superior to traditional implant solutions for the following reasons

Less expensive than conventional implant procedures

  1. Significantly less healing time
  2. Stops or lessens bone atrophy
  3. Allows for brand new teeth in one day

Benefits of same day teeth

  • Immediate results
  • Improves the appearance
  • Eliminates health issues associated with failing teeth
  • Can eat anything and improve your diet
  • Long lasting smile
  • Teeth stay in your mouth and not in a glass
  • Easy to care for teeth

The same day teeth procedure helps to create a healthier mouth and body because it reduces the chances of periodontal disease which is a severe form of gum disease caused by bacteria.  Periodontal disease has been linked to conditions such as strokes, heart disease, Alzheimer’s Disease and diabetes. However, by restoring your mouth to its original state, same day teeth can help keep this invasive disease at bay. With regular brushing and flossing, same as for your natural teeth, your well being and overall health will be enhanced.

If this all sounds too good to be true then why not schedule a free implant consultation with Sheen Dental so we can fill you in on the details. You’ll get to meet Dr. Harmit Kalsi and the team, and be able to get your questions answered. Call us today on 020 8876 5277 to book your free consultation or contact us online at We look forward to meeting you.