Same Day Teeth Aftercare

‘Same Day Teeth’ offers a great solution for people who are missing all of their teeth and don’t want to wear a conventional denture. Whereas a dental implant in Richmond is ideal for replacing individual missing teeth, to have a mouth full of dental implants just wouldn’t be cost effective or practical. The ‘Same Day Teeth’ procedure means fitting a patient with 4 to 6 implants which are specially angled to the bone to secure a fixed bridge in position, so that the patient can leave the clinic the very same day with their new set of teeth.

same-day-teeth-richmondBenefits and aftercare

Same day teeth has many benefits over a conventional denture, although we would advice patients to start off with a soft diet until they’ve grown accustomed to their new teeth. After a short period of time, they can be regarded almost as natural teeth, and they’ll function and feel almost the same too.

Unlike dentures, Same Day Teeth don’t have to be removed for cleaning. Instead they can remain where they should be – in your mouth. It does need remembering, however, that although these are false teeth and won’t decay, it’s really important to brush them on a regular basis and to concentrate in particular on brushing around the implants to remove any bacteria, and prevent gum disease from occurring.

If you’re a smoker then it’s important to stop for a period before and after the procedure has been carried out in order to give your implants the best possible chance of success. Smoking restricts the flow of blood to the implant areas and this slows up the healing period and also increases the risk of infection. If you don’t follow this advice, then there’s a significant chance that the implants will fail to integrate with the surrounding jawbone, and the procedure will have been a total waste of time.

For most people once the Same Day Teeth treatment has been completed, and provided that a reasonable level of common sense and aftercare has been observed, and routine check ups visits have been attended, all should be well and a patient can get on with living their life once more.

If you’d like to find out more about whether or not Same Day Teeth could benefit your situation, then why not book a free implant consultation with Sheen Dental. We’ll carry out a thorough analysis of your mouth and discuss your best options. Call us today on 020 8876 5277 or contact us online at