Sheen Dental Implants Richmond put a smile on your face
Here’s the lowdown on missing teeth: if left untreated, it could cause further complications for any remaining natural teeth you have, as well as your gums. They can also look pretty unsightly and make you feel down in the dumps. Thankfully, your teeth can be protected and you don’t have to feel blue every time you look in the mirror or have to think about going out with friends. At Sheen Dental Implants, we offer Sheen Dental implants Richmond as a convenient and reliable treatment for replacing missing teeth and nobody will know that you don’t have all of your own natural teeth. And, no, we’re not grasping at straws and suggesting magical solutions; Dr Harmit Kalsi is highly experienced and knowledgeable in delivering this effective and convenient method of teeth replacement.

What are Sheen Dental implants Richmond?
At our practice, we use titanium screws to fit into the gaps in your smile and attach them to your jawbone. These screws then become like your natural tooth roots; they are the base on which your replacement teeth will be attached, using an abutment. This means that they are firmly fixed into place and they won’t be going anywhere, no matter how many well done rib eye steaks you order!
The advantages of Sheen Dental implants Richmond
There are a whole host of reasons to choose dental implants. Firstly, the aesthetic result should make you feel happier and more confident about your appearance. However, a further improvement may be that if your face has developed a shrunken appearance due to the loss of certain teeth, you should find that the implants give you more structure and this can develop a more fresh-faced and youthful appearance – it’s definitely a reason to smile! Also, you can easily take care of your dental implants by brushing and flossing regularly, as well as popping in to visit us for your regular dentist and hygienist appointments. If you take care of your implants in this way, you should have them for practically a lifetime!
Other benefits of dental implants can be that by replacing the gaps in your smile, you are also protecting your remaining natural teeth from any overexposure to bacteria that could lead to further complications, if left untreated. Basically, dental implants are an efficient, reliable and fabulous way to bring your smile to life again.
Of course, with all treatments, we need to catch up with you for an initial consultation. We will be able to discuss your concerns and examine your mouth, in order to develop a treatment plan that is right for you. In some cases, patients may not have enough bone density in the jaw and require a bone graft before they can have dental implants, for example. Whatever the situation, coming in to see Dr Kalsi will enable you to get the information you need to determine how implants could work for you. We recommend you ask him lots of questions too, so you feel fully informed and confident in the treatment – he loves a good quiz!
So, come to Sheen Dental Implants and let us get you smiling!