Should A Woman Have Oral Surgery When She Is Pregnant?

This is a question that often pops up at our surgery particularly with the rise in popularity of dental implants in Richmond, which require oral surgery to fit them. Generally it is not safe to carry out oral surgery during pregnancy. Let’s take a look at this matter in more detail.

pregnancyDuring pregnancy it’s extremely important that every possible precaution is taken to ensure that no harm comes to a woman’s developing child. During oral surgery anaesthetic and sedation, which are used to ease pain and anxiety during surgery, can have a negative impact on the health and well being of her unborn child. For this reason a dentist has to think very carefully before performing any type of invasive dental procedure on a patient who is pregnant.

Taking the stage of pregnancy and type of surgery into account

Oral surgery is more likely to take place during the first 28 weeks of pregnancy. Once she reaches the final 12 weeks of pregnancy it’s considered far too risk to carry out any type of oral surgery. Having said this however, a surgeon would have to consider the nature of the surgery, whether or not it is a necessity, and if can be postponed until after the birth without affecting the health of the patient or her baby.

Have oral surgery before pregnancy if possible

If you’re trying to get pregnant then we’d recommend that you have any major dental work done before any oral surgery is planned. It’s best to consult with your doctor and your dentist if this is the case, so as to avoid any health concerns further down the line.

Putting off major dental work until the baby is born

Typically any minor dental surgeries would be delayed until after the baby has been born. The only time that oral surgery would be carried out in the later stages of pregnancy is if there was a health risk to the mother. If this is the case then dentists and surgeons will take every precaution to reduce any potential harm to mother or baby.

Caring for your teeth during pregnancy

It’s important to visit your dentist for regular check-ups during pregnancy. You should be able to discuss any matters that are worrying you with regard to dental health and proper hygiene and to discuss dental care for your baby once he or she is born.

If you’d like more information about oral surgery or a dental implant in Richmond and how it can help you attain a beautiful and healthy smile, then please get in touch with Sheen Dental on 020 8876 5277. You can also find out more information on our website at