Should I Be Nervous About Dental Implant Surgery?

Dental implants in Richmond continue to grow in popularity, partly because there is so much more information on the internet about them, and because many of us know people who have undergone the procedure. Dental implants are embedded into the jaw and because they’re made from titanium they fuse with the surrounding bone to create a strong platform to support a dental crown, bridge, or denture. It’s this very fact which accounts for their durability and longevity.

dental-implants-richmondHowever, the implant procedure does require a spell of oral surgery so that the implants can be placed into the jawbone, and this often stops people in their tracks, and dissuades them from getting implants. We’d like to assure you that dental implant surgery is a routine practice which causes very little discomfort, and when performed by a trained professional, has a high success rate.

Here are 3 reasons why there’s no need to be nervous about implant surgery

  1. Precise planning means that the implant surgery is a relatively minor procedure because all of the legwork has been carried out beforehand. For complex procedures, your dentist can use 3D CT imaging to determine the exact placement of each implant for optimal results.
  2. Dental implant surgery can be carried out using a local anaesthetic and most patients report that it wasn’t anywhere near as bad as having a tooth extracted. Your dentist will simply numb the implant site and surrounding soft tissues while you remain fully conscious. If you’re a nervous patient then you can opt for conscious sedation which puts you in a state of deep relaxation, but awake and able to comply with any instructions or questions from the dentist.
  3. Recovery after surgery is quick and there’s very little discomfort. Because of the pre-planned surgery, the procedure is less invasive. Depending on the complexity of the surgery, some patients may experience a little bruising and swelling which can be treated with cold compresses and you may feel a little pain for a few days, which can be relieved using over-the-counter painkillers, such as Ibuprofen and Paracetamol.

Typically the implant site heals quickly and predictably with a success rate of 95-97%. Once the implant has fused with the surrounding bone, a few weeks later, you’ll be able to have your implant topped with a permanent dental crown. Your confidence will be renewed and you can look forward to flashing that lovely smile for many years to come.

If you’re considering a dental implant in Richmond then why not take advantage of Sheen Dental’s free no-obligation implant consultation. You’ll get to meet Dr. Harmit Kalsi and the team, view our facilities, and get your questions answered. To book your consultation you can contact us online at or call us direct on 020 8876 5277. We look forward to meting you.