Should I Be Worried About Bone Graft Surgery For Dental Implants?

Dental implants in Richmond are a very effective method of replacing one or more missing teeth and many of our patients at our Richmond clinic have benefited from implant treatment which restores the aesthetics of their smile and improves their bite.

dental implants in RichmondIn order to be considered for dental implant treatment, however, a patient needs to have sufficient bone structure remaining in their jawbone to support the implants, and often this isn’t the case. A bone graft can reinforce the jaw by boosting its width, height, and depth in order that the implants can be placed successfully.

Many of our patients are a little worried when we mention that they may need a bone graft, fearing that it’s a complicated process. However, we’d like to reassure them that bone grafts are very common in implant patients and is something that we carry out on a regular basis. When teeth are lost then the bone that once supported them starts to shrink and dissolve because the body thinks that it is no longer needed. As a result people who have waited several weeks, months, or even years before replacing their missing teeth, are more than likely going to require a bone graft before the implant procedure can go ahead.

The procedure

If your dentist has decided that you are indeed a good candidate for a bone graft then the first step is determining the source of the bone graft material. Many dentists prefer to use bone from the patient themselves which can be taken from the chin, hip, or shin. However, if you really don’t want your own tissue to be used then donor tissue may be available. Alternatively synthetic or bovine tissue are both possible options.

Once it’s time for the bone graft, your dentist will give you a local anaesthetic to prevent any discomfort or pain. The procedure is then as follows:

  • A small incision is made in the gum at the site of the prospective dental implant. This gives the dentist access to the tissue lying beneath.
  • The bone graft material is placed on top of the existing bone which fuses naturally with it in a process known as osseointegration. A synthetic membrane may also be used to hold the graft in place.
  • The incision will be stitched back up and you’ll be given antibiotics to prevent infection and painkillers to alleviate any pain felt in the early stages of your recovery.

Recovery period

In the first few days you may feel effects similar to having a tooth extracted, such as swelling, pain, bruising, and minimal bleeding. These will gradually subside and you should be feeling much better within a few days or so.

Depending on the individual osseointegration can take anywhere from 4 to 12 months. During this time it’s best to refrain from smoking, avoid drinking too much alcohol, and try to eat on the other side of your mouth. The most important thing is to be patient and give your jaw plenty of time to fuse with the graft before your dentist goes ahead with placing dental implants.

If you’re interested in learning more about receiving a dental implant in Richmond and finding out if you’re a suitable candidate, then why not take advantage of our free consultation where you can get all of your questions and concerned addressed. Give Sheen Dental a call today on 020 8876 5277 or book an appointment online at We look forward to meeting you.