Should I Replace That Missing Tooth?

If you have one or more missing teeth then you really should consider teeth replacement such as dental implants. In Richmond, here at Sheen Dental we want to show you why it’s highly important to deal with the problem as soon as it occurs.

dental implants in RichmondAccording to a recent survey, it shows that in the UK 7 out of 10 adults aged 35 or over have experienced at least one missing tooth. If you can relate to this, then you might have already experienced social withdrawal in the way that you don’t want to smile or meet new people. Unfortunately this is only the start. Although other issues related to tooth loss are less visible, they’re worsened by having a negative impact on your overall health. These can include nutritional difficulties, continued bone loss, and other oral health issues.

The good news is that it isn’t all doom and gloom and there are a number of ways that you can tackle the problem. These are

  • Bridges and Crowns
  • Dentures
  • Dental Implants

Bridges and Crowns

A fixed bridge is used to replace one or more teeth that are missing and consists of a prosthetic tooth or teeth supported by a framework. When properly attached, bridgework can have a natural appearance. The downside is that the framework needs to be supported by adjacent healthy teeth which need to be ground down to support the mechanism. This increases the risk of tooth decay, root canal problems, and gum problems in the future.

A crown on the other hand is normally attached to a partial tooth that still maintains it’s healthy roots. Custom fabricated to fit it sits on top of the damaged tooth giving a realistic appearance.


Dentures are an economic form of tooth replacement and come in many forms. These can be either full or partial dentures and offer a functional support to missing teeth. As a non-surgical process they’re relatively easy to fit and have been around in one form or another for many years. The issues with them are that for new wearers, they might take some getting used to and problems with chewing, speaking, and comfort are commonplace. Unfortunately they can also accelerate bone loss in the jaw area which is why they need to be continually adjusted and eventually replaced.

Dental implants

This is by far the most costly option of the three, but is considered the only permanent solution and the most technologically advanced. Because titanium implants are secured directly into the jaw bone they encourage the surrounding bone tissue to grow around them. When this happens they make a super strong platform upon which can be attached a single crown or bridge and they even help to support dentures. The downsides are that they do require a surgical procedure to fit and that the process from initial consultation through to final crowns can take anywhere between 3-9 months. That said, if looked after they’ll last considerably longer than any other form of tooth replacement and for this reason, they become a cost-effective possibility.

The bottom line is that whether you opt for dental implants in Richmond or a bridge replacement in Manchester you need to act relatively quickly after tooth loss particularly if you don’t want to experience other oral problems later on down the line.

To find out more, why not contact Sheen Dental on 020 8876 5277 for a free, no-obligation consultation to discuss your options. Alternatively to find out more about dental implants then take a look at where you can find a wealth of information to help.