Should You Replace Existing Dentures With Dental Implants?

Whether you opt for dental implants in Richmond or indeed anywhere else in the country, one thing’s for sure, implants are considered by many to be the most advanced form of tooth replacement. That said, should denture wearers consider replacing their existing set with dental implants? Let’s take a closer look.

dental-implantsWhile it’s true that dentures offer a speedy and affordable replacement for missing teeth they aren’t without their problems. The main issue is that dentures aren’t suitable for lifetime use. This is because dentures can’t halt the bone loss process that occurs naturally when teeth are missing. As a result once tight-fitting dentures become loose over time as the shape of the facial bone structure changes. This often causes dentures to slip and slide in the mouth and in some cases can also cause painful rubbing on the gum.

Conversely because dental implants are anchored firmly into the jaw bone they won’t slip and slide about so no more acutely embarrassing issues when you wear them. What’s more, once in place, they can actually halt the bone loss process too, so they can also stop you from looking older than your years.

While this is all well and good, it probably isn’t cost effective or feasible to replace entire rows of dentures with individual dental implants. In Richmond therefore, at Sheen Dental we have a better option and that’s implant retained dentures; but what exactly are they?

As the name suggests full or partial dentures can be held securely in place with as few as four strategically placed dental implants. Once the implants are anchored into position, a full arch or partial row of teeth contained within a framework can then be snapped into position. The advantages are that firstly they aren’t going to move around. So there’s no possibility of any embarrassing denture slippage. Secondly, they never need adjusting as they aren’t supported by the contours of the gum in the way that conventional dentures are. For this reason they last considerably longer.

So should you replace conventional dentures with dental implants or implant retained dentures?

In a word yes! While it’s agreed that they are more costly and also require a surgical procedure to fit, they can put an end to the worry and frustration that many long terms denture wearers suffer, giving them a better overall quality of life.

If you’d like to find out more about dental implants in Richmond as a form of denture replacement then book yourself a free no obligation consultation with Dr Harmit Kalsi and the team. Here you can get all your questions and concerns answered leaving you to make a fully informed dental decision. To make an appointment you can either visit our website at or alternatively you can contact us directly on 020 8876 5277. Remember, don’t let your existing dentures get you down. Instead take action and do something about it today.