Signs Of Badly Fitting Dentures and How Dental Implants Can Help

If you’re missing all or several of your teeth then dentures are a good solution to replacing them and restoring your smile but if they don’t fit properly they can be cumbersome, challenging, and not worth the hassle. A good fitting set of dentures is crucial to functionality and comfort. If you feel that your dentures don’t fit properly then come and speak with Sheen Dental. We may be able to offer a solution by means of just a few dental implants. In Richmond this procedure continues to grow in popularity as people understand more about them and the benefits they offer.

dental implants in RichmondDiscomfort and pain

These two things are the main sign that your dentures don’t fit properly. A well fitting set of dentures should feel comfortable all day long and shouldn’t be causing you any pain. Constant moving around of your dentures can irritate your gums and the challenge of trying to stop them from moving may make your cheeks and tongue sore too.

Sores in the mouth

Sores can develop as a result of dentures which don’t fit properly. They’re often caused by the friction which occurs when dentures rub back and forth in the mouth. Oral sores can make eating painful both from the friction of the dentures and from the contact with food and drinks touching the sores. It’s important to treat any sores as soon as possible to avoid infections.

Difficulty speaking

Dentures which slip and slide make it difficult for a person to speak and the result is often slurred. Another issue is difficulty in speaking as a person clenches their mouth to prevent the dentures from moving around.

Weight change

Since eating can be difficult some denture wearers will skip meals rather than face the pain and this may cause them to lose weight. Others may find they put weight on because of ill fitting dentures because they opt for eating soft fatty foods such as ice cream instead of the healthier alternative of a crunchy apple or vegetables.

Correcting badly fitting dentures

In some cases it can be better for your health to stop wearing dentures than to wear ones which don’t fit properly. If your dentures are giving you grief it’s important to get them checked by your dentist. Sometimes they can be relined and adjusted or you may be advised to use more dental adhesive to keep them in place. Another option is implant retained dentures which use as few as 4 mini implants fitted into the jawbone to secure the dentures and prevent them from moving. Often your existing dentures can be modified with fixtures that allow them to be snapped into place on the implants.

Why not book a no-obligation consultation with us and we can discuss your dental options. If you’d like to know more about how a dental implant in Richmond could help you, then call us on 020 8876 5277 or visit our website at