Single Tooth Implants – Can They Really Be An Alternative To Root Canals?

Despite the fact that conventional dentures, bridges, and crowns remain an integral part of dentistry, there are times when a single dental implant in Richmond is just what the doctor ordered! One of these occasions might be in place of root canal treatment.

dental implants in RichmondProsthodontic care has always been about restoring teeth using perfect looking crowns and well-crafted bridges and in situations where the enamel and roots of teeth remain healthy, then it can be argued that it’s still the best course of action. Despite this, there are still situations where a tooth has been continually treated and may in the past have even undergone root canal treatment. In these instances the weakened integrity of the tooth is usually compromised. Faced with this situation, then there may be a good case for removing the tooth and instead attaching a single dental implant in its place.

Long-term stability

The reasoning behind it is that the single dental implant provides long-term stability for a natural looking, prosthetic tooth to sit on top. The form and function of the tooth will be returned and will remain a permanent fixture in the mouth just like your other teeth. Ultimately it means that root canal therapy will never have to be performed on that tooth and therefore the tooth will never need extracting and replacing. So from a long-term perspective it’s forward planning for your teeth.

Dental dilemmas

The issue is that although a root canal can solve the problem of a painful tooth in the interim, there’s a strong chance that the said tooth will need replacing in a few years anyway. This causes a bit of a dilemma. Should a patient undergo root canal treatment as a short-term stop-gap, or should they have it removed now and an implant fitted in its place? Some patients and indeed dentists struggle with this notion especially when the ethos of dentistry in the past has always been about preserving teeth at all costs. However it’s clear that the long term benefits that a dental implant can bring often outweigh the short term benefits of root canal treatment.

From a patient’s perspective it’s comforting to know that any highly experienced implant dentist won’t make a hasty decision. Instead they’ll carefully weigh up the pros and cons based on the needs of the patient and from this, make an informed dental decision that’s in the best interests of the patient concerned.

If you would like to find out more about how a dental implant in Richmond can change your life then book a free, no-obligation consultation with Dr Harmit Kalsi and the team at Sheen Dental. Here you can get your questions and concerns answered, allowing you to make a fully informed dental decision. To book yours contact us via our website at or speak to us direct by calling 020 8876 5277.