Sinus lifts for dental implants in Richmond

Patients who have worn dentures for a prolonged period of time have little bone density left and this may discourage them from having dental implants in Richmond.

If you have lost most of your teeth in your upper jaw but would like to enjoy the life-changing benefits of dental implants, a sinus lift procedure is the best way to restore bone density. At Sheen Dental Implants in Richmond, we take a professional and considerate approach to sinus lift surgery. Our dentists will assess the quality and density of the remaining bone in your jaw, to determine whether you are eligible for the treatment.

dental-implants-richmondReasons to have sinus lift surgery

Sinus lift surgery is performed when there is not enough bone structure left in the upper jaw, or the sinuses are too close to the jaw for dental implants to be fitted. There are quite a few reasons for this:

  • People who have lost their back teeth (especially their molars) do not have sufficient bone density for dental implants. Anatomically, the back of the upper jaw contains less bone than the lower jaw.
  • Bone loss may be the result of gum disease.
  • Tooth loss may have caused bone loss. When we lose teeth, our jawbone gradually shrinks and is absorbed back into the body. If teeth have been missing for a long period of time, there is not sufficient bone left to securely place dental implants.

The procedure

A sinus lift is a safe procedure tailored to your individual circumstances and the amount of remaining bone in your upper jaw. Before beginning, we will apply local sedation to avoid any pain or discomfort. A small opening will be made in the bone in order to reach the sinus cavity.

Our experienced dentists will gently elevate the sinuses, restoring it to its original position with bone grafts. At Sheen Dental Implants, we use high-quality grafting materials to ensure successful bone integration and the creation of additional, healthy bone.

As with any surgical procedure, we ensure that you understand all aftercare instructions. Healing may take a few months, but once a satisfactory bone density level is achieved, your dental implants will be ready to be fitted. To find out more about sinus lifts for dental implants in Richmond call us today.