Smoking, Oral Health Problems, And Dental Implants

Smoking is a major contributor to tooth loss and this is why more and more people are opting for natural forms of tooth replacement such as dental implants. in Richmond for example, here at Sheen Dental we’re seeing a spike in the numbers of patients who choose implants. Some see it as a life line after experiencing years of missing teeth, others simply want a refreshing change from long-term denture wearing.

dental implants in RichmondAlthough not all tooth problems are brought about by smoking, it’s still one of the leading causes of gum disease in the UK and for many, this ultimately leads to tooth loss. According to research carried out by Eminent clinician Dr Calvin Fong in his book entitled Smoking and Health Research Frontiers, children who live in smoking households, are 70% more likely to pick up the habit later on in life. This can lead to possible dental problems further on down the line.


To back this up, two independent studies carries out over a 30 year period from Boston and Tufts Universities in the US showed that over a10 year period, male smokers lose on average 2.9 teeth compared to a non smoker’s 1.3 teeth. Both studies also found that the risk of tooth loss decreased when a smoker quit.

So how does this fit in with dental implants?

Smokers looking to undergo surgery for dental implants in Richmond or indeed anywhere else in the UK are likely to have to make some drastic changes first. For example it’s well documented that smokers carry less oxygen in their bloodstreams and as a result it can dramatically slow down bone regeneration. As bone regeneration is key to implant success then it’s easy to see how this could be problematic. In addition chemicals found in tobacco smoke are known to transmit bacteria which can cause havoc with newly placed implants. As a result any smokers looking to have dental implants are at risk and in order to eliminate any risks the patient should ideally quit altogether. If this is impossible, then they may be asked to stop smoking for the duration of the implant process. This could be anything up to 9-12 months.

If you are serious about undergoing treatment for a dental implant in Richmond and do smoke, then come and speak to us at Sheen Dental. We can put you in touch with counsellors who can help you give up. Contact us on 020 8876 5277 or visit our website at to find out more.