So How Old Is Too Old When It Comes To Dental Implants?

Because of advances in medicine and a better awareness of health issues it’s fair to say that people are living considerably longer than ever before. Nowadays 85, 90, or 95 years of age isn’t uncommon. That said, people continue to have teeth problems including tooth loss. It’s understandable therefore that because of this, nobody likes tooth loss however old they are. As such, many older people consider undergoing dental implants in Richmond.

dental implants in RichmondThe truth is that dental implants have been proven to dramatically improve a person’s life giving them the opportunity to eat better, engage in social activity without fear of embarrassment and above all, lead a continued and active lifestyle. That said, in order to fit a dental implant in Richmond, or indeed anywhere else in the country, it requires a surgical procedure. With this in mind, is it risky allowing a patient of senior years to go through such a process and if so, just how old is too old?

In truth, no age should ever be classed as too old for dental implants. In fact even people with a shorter life expectancy than your average patient can still safely have implants fitted in order to improve their remaining quality of life. No patient should have to put up with missing teeth or the drudgery of long-term denture wear. And for this reason alone dental implants are considered well worth it.

What about recovery?

When performed properly by any trained surgeon recovery from dental implant surgery is both gentle and relatively quick. There is usually a little discomfort for 3-5 days after surgery but in most cases the slight pain and bruising felt can be easily controlled and eradicated with over-the-counter pain killers and anti-inflammatory drugs such as Ibuprofen or Aspirin.

So what does matter?

The only stipulation is that the patient needs to be in relatively good health. This is far more important than the actual age of the patient. As the procedure relies on a surgical process, conditions such as heart problems, high blood pressure, or obesity, could mean that surgery presents a risk. In addition, anyone with osteoporosis, or who has previously had radiotherapy in and around the facial area, or who smokes or drinks heavily could experience problems with bone regeneration. This is a vital part of the process and one which can be severely hampered by the above issues. Finally, those who suffer with oral problems such as gum disease or bruxism (teeth grinding) cannot have implants placed until the problem has been addressed and cured.

To sum up, as long as you’re in relatively good health then you can be 85, 95 or even 105 and still be eligible for dental implants. That’s good news for those wanting to live and eat well, and enjoy their social time.

To find out more about how dental implants in Richmond can change your life then why not book a free, no-obligation consultation with Dr Harmit Kalsi and the team at Sheen Dental. Either contact us directly on 020 8876 5277 or via our website at After all you only get one life, so why not live it to the full?