So Just How Long Do Dental Implants Last?

Whether a patient is considering dental implants in Richmond, Manchester, London or indeed any other area in the country, the question “How long should dental implants last?’ is one of the most frequently asked.

dental-implantsDespite the fact that dental implants are considered the best form of teeth replacement that modern dentistry allows, it would be wrong for any dentist to suggest that they last a lifetime. While it might be a ‘safe bet’ to suggest that implants might last a lifetime for a patient in their 80’s, could the same really be said for someone in their 40’s or 50’s?

Here’s what we do know…

The very first implant was performed in 1965 on a Swedish man who suffered with a cleft palate and jaw deformities, leaving him with no teeth in his lower jaw. A series of implants were placed that allowed him to use dentures right up until his death in 2006 some 41 years later. Therefore we can say with some conviction that dental implants have been proven to last for forty years or more.

So do they last that long in everyone?

In a word no! There are many circumstances that can affect dental implant longevity and these include

  • Incorrect angle of implant placement
  • Using sub-quality implants
  • Placing them into insufficient bone mass
  • Not maintaining high standards of oral health
  • Having a certain illnesses or condition
  • Continued smoking
  • Prolonged and continued       heavy drinking
  • Previous treatments for illness such as radiotherapy

and much more besides….

For this reason it’s impossible to tell with any conviction how long a dental implant in Richmond, or indeed anywhere else in the country is going to last in any given individual. That said, there are ways that you can make sure your implants stand the very best chance of longevity. These include

  • Seeking an experienced implant dentist
  • Making sure they use only tried and tested dental implants
  • If you smoke, then stop smoking
  • Consistently maintaining high standards of oral hygiene
  • Always attending dental check-ups
  • Having regular hygiene cleans
  • keeping a close watch for anything untoward that may occur in and around your dental implant.

If you follow these instructions then there’s no reason why your dental implants can’t last twenty, thirty, or even forty years or more. What’s more, they’ll be trouble-free too.

To find out more information regarding dental implants in Richmond, or to book a no obligation consultation with Dr Harmit Kalsi and the team, then either visit or website at or contact us directly on 020 8876 5277. On behalf of the team at Sheen Dental, we look forward to hearing from you.