Solving the problem of loose dentures with dental implants

Modern dentures are very realistic in terms of both appearance and function. However, a lot of denture wearers still experience problems. At Sheen Dental in Richmond we believe that in many cases using dental implants to stabilise your dentures is the best way to avoid these issues, meaning that you can forget about any worries about loose-fitting teeth and can get back to enjoying a happy, healthy life.

dental-implants-richmondWe have been using dentures in one form or another for centuries to replace missing natural teeth. Today’s appliances are both functional and aesthetically appealing, yet many denture-wearers still find that their false teeth become loose over time. This is caused at least in part by shrinkage of the jaw bone, which is a common side-effect to losing several or all of your natural teeth.

Patients come to our Richmond dental practice complaining that an ill-fitting denture has:

  • Caused difficulty eating anything but soft foods, severely limiting their diet
  • Changed their speech or made it increasingly difficult to pronounce words
  • Rubbed their gum tissue, causing soreness
  • Affected their confidence and put limitations on their social life because their teeth have started to slip or even fall out.

At Sheen Dental in Richmond, we can solve these problems by using dental implants to stabilise your dentures.

Richmond denture stabilisation

Dental implants are unique in the world of tooth replacement because they are the only method by which your dentist can replace the roots of the teeth. Made from titanium, implants are osteoconductive, meaning that they encourage bone growth. They will also hold your dentures firmly in place.

Whilst natural teeth have one or more roots per tooth, a full set of dentures can in most cases be supported by between two and six implants. When you come to our Richmond clinic for a denture stabilisation consultation, your dentist will determine how many implants you need, as well as whether any additional bone grafting work is needed.

After they have been placed, your implants will heal and fuse with your bone. Your dentures will be attached using special fixtures in a later appointment at our Richmond practice.