Spreading The Cost Of Dental Implants in Richmond With 3 Great Options

There is no getting away from the fact that anyone undergoing a procedure for dental implants in Richmond can feel safe in the knowledge that they’re receiving the only form of permanent tooth replacement that modern dentistry allows. What’s more, once the procedure has taken place the patient will walk away with a hassle-free set of teeth that look and feel totally natural. Not only that, their longevity can be up to 5 times longer than dentures. No wonder then that over 10,000 dental implant procedures were performed in the UK alone last year. That said, there is one stumbling block that dissuades even more people from undertaking what’s clearly a life changing procedure and that’s the cost.

dental implants in RichmondOn average a dental implant carried out by a reputable clinic can be anything upwards of £950 per tooth. This isn’t counting other procedures such as bone grafts and sinus lifts which a patient might also have to incur before implants can be placed.

As dental implants aren’t normally carried out on the NHS, then clearly cost is a major consideration.


Fortunately here at Sheen Dental we’ve made it easier for anyone looking to undergo dental implants in Richmond by spreading the cost. We believe that everyone should be able to have the choice of implants and our finance options are one way of doing this. To is extent we have three great payment options.

0% finance option

In order for patients to take advantage of the interest-free option they have to be able to repay the value of the procedure within 12 months. This equates to 12 equal payments spread over that time period.

Low interest finance option

With our low-interest finance option it’s possible to spread the cost of dental implant surgery over a period of 1-5 years. This is paid back at a very competitive rate of 7.9% .

Part finance/part payment

Finally patients can also choose to opt for a part payment/part finance option. Patients can make a down payment (usually 50%) and then finance the remainder. The only caveat being that treatments have to be over £1000 in value.

So there you have it, 3 great payment options that you may want to consider. If you’re seriously thinking about undergoing treatment for a dental implant in Richmond but are a little put off by the costs involved, then we can help. Contact Sheen Dental on 020 8876 5277 and speak to us about our flexible payment options today or visit our website at www.sheendentalimplants.co.uk for more information.