Stabilising dentures by using dental implants

For patients with loose dentures, denture stabilisation using dental implants is an excellent solution. Sheen Dental in Richmond offers a number of implant solutions, and welcomes new patients for consultations – even those whose own dentist has told them they are not suitable for implant treatment because of bone loss.

dental-implantsAlthough modern dentures are more realistic, comfortable, and functional than ever before, looseness is still a common problem. This can have a number of unwanted side-effects, including:

  • Difficulty in speaking clearly
  • Difficulty in eating anything but soft foods, which can impact on nutrition and general health
  • A lack of confidence about smiling or laughing in case your teeth fall out, affecting your social life
  • Sore gums from a rubbing denture
  • Requiring daily use of messy denture cement, and/or frequent trips to your dentist for adjustments to be made.

By using dental implants to stabilise your dentures, all of these problems can be a thing of the past. Implants are small titanium screws that replace the root parts of your teeth, integrating with your jaw bone and providing a firm anchor for your false teeth. Life benefits include:

  • The ability to eat whatever you like
  • The ability to speak or even sing clearly
  • Renewed confidence as your teeth will stay just where they should be
  • All the look and functionality of a natural set of teeth
  • A second chance at a healthy mouth

At our Richmond clinic we have completed many successful denture stabilisation procedures, and welcome new patients for consultations.

The placement of dental implants requires a small operation, which our modern Richmond clinic is fully equipped to provide under either local anaesthetic or conscious sedation – the choice is yours.

For standard denture stabilisation procedures, we will place between two and six implants in your jaw, and after a healing period will attach your dentures to special attachments on top of your implants. You will still be able to remove them for cleaning, but otherwise they will stay where they should.

If you need additional work to rebuild your bone density before implants are placed, we offer a range of options at our Richmond clinic.