Surely Dental Implants Are Way Too Expensive For Me?

If you have missing teeth and are weighing up your options, one choice might be dental implants. In Richmond for example, here at Sheen Dental we’ve been successfully fitting implants for many years and even though we deal with patients from all walks of life, there are still some people who believe that dental implants are way too expensive and a luxury that they simply couldn’t afford.

dental implants in RichmondWhile this may have been a reality twenty or thirty years ago, the truth is that dental implants are no longer a cosmetic treatment that only the rich and the good can afford. Instead they’re now considered an essential piece of dentistry that provide many well-documented benefits over their counterparts. So why have things changed…let’s take a look.

Access to more information

The invention of the internet instantly gave people access to a wealth of information about dental implants and more importantly, the real benefits that they can bring. This had a knock-on effect because over time, more and more people wanted dental implants. This resulted in more and more trained dentists offering this service. Before, dental implants would probably have been placed by only a handful of highly experienced surgeons in the country, now potential patients could go to virtually any town in the country and find a practice offering dental implants. As both the demand and competition took off, it started to drive the prices down to a a more affordable level.

Dental tourism

At the same time the rise of cheaper flights meant that companies started to offer dental tourism to destinations such as Poland, Thailand, and Mexico. This meant that patients could fly to a country organised by a specialist company, get put up in accommodation and have dental implants fitted at a private clinic in their chosen country. All of this for a fraction of the cost of the UK. Even today dental tourism is still big business and provided that patients understand the risks involved (of which there are many) and have done their due diligence correctly, then this is still a popular way for some people to have access to cheap dental implant treatment.

Payment Spreading

Clearly most UK clinics offering dental implants can’t compete on price with other countries and nor should they. After all they have the luxury of dealing with patients who live in the same country and even more so, local clients. Therefore if anything does go awry, patients can come back to see them with no problem. It’s a risk-free win/win situation. That said, even experienced implant dentists need to get patients through the doors. One way that many clinics can compete is by offering a number of payment options.

Twenty of thirty years ago when a patient wanted dental implants they would have had to pay for them in one go. Now patients have a plethora of payment options available to them. A clinic might for example offer payments of 50% at the time of the surgery and 50% when the treatment has finished. Alternatively they might offer to spread the cost of interest-free payments over a series of months. All of which has helped to make dental implants more affordable to the masses.

If you’d like to find out more about dental implants in Richmond and the real benefits they can bring we invite you to book a free, no-obligation consultation with Sheen Dental. You’ll be able to get all your questions and concerns answered so that you can make a fully informed dental choice that’s right for you. To book your consultation either phone us on 020 8876 5277 or contact us via our website at