The 5 Steps Of Dental Implant Treatment

If you’re considering undergoing a dental implant in Richmond, you’ll no doubt be aware that it’s not a quick fix solution, but more of a long-term one. As such having the perfect teeth (albeit replacement ones) takes time. With this in mind, let’s take this opportunity to explore further the steps that you’ll need to take.

Step 1 – Initial consultation

This is the first time that your implant dentist really gets to evaluate your situation and implant needs. As a result questions on your health and well-being, lifestyle and habits, such as smoking and drinking will be discussed, as well as giving you a thorough oral examination. You should also use this opportunity to ask any questions or get any concerns answered that you might have. Finally given this information, your implant dentist will come up with a personalised treatment plan, complete with actions and time-scales.

dental implants in RichmondStage 2 – The implantation process

It’s at this stage when you would expect to undergo the surgical process. Usually painless and carried out in the dental clinic, titanium implants are secured or anchored into the jawbone via a tiny incision made in the gum More often than not, conscious sedation is used and for most patients, it’s over before they know it. Finally a temporary crown is fitted, so that the patient doesn’t leave without any teeth in place.

Stage 3 – Recovery

This isn’t so much of a recovery period from the procedure, as most people who experience a simple dental implant in Richmond go back to work one to two days later. Instead the recovery period is needed for the important aspect of osseointegration (bone growth). This is essential to any implant procedure and occurs when the natural bone tissue in and around the titanium root merges and fuses with it, to create one super-strong platform. In most people this process takes 4-8 weeks but it can take as long as 12 weeks. However long it takes, this recovery time is necessary before it’s possible to move onto the next stage.

Stage 4 – Restorative phase

After osseointegration has taken place, then the titanium rod is once again uncovered via a tiny incision in the gum and a small abutment is placed on top. This acts as a connector and sits between the implant and the final crown. It also acts as a shock-absorber dissipating any force taken by the tooth and distributing it through the implant and along the jaw. During this phase, the implant patient would also receive their final teeth.

Stage 5 – Maintenance and after care

Believe it or not, even though dental implants are considered strong, durable and tough, they are prone to bacteria and infections especially in the first few months. With this mind, special attention needs to be paid to make sure that good standards of patient oral hygiene are maintained. This is a combination of regular check-ups and hygiene visits as well as a good cleaning routine by the patient. This way, should any problems occur, the dentist will be able to spot them early.

So there you have it, the 5 phases of dental implants. On the whole the entire process takes anywhere between 6-9 months to complete and although it seems like a long time, it’s well worth it in the long-run.

For further information about dental implants in Richmond, then contact Sheen Dental on 020 8876 5277. Alternatively why not visit our website at where you can find a plethora of information to help you make an informed dental decision.