The Benefits Of Dental Implants

If you’ve got gaps in your smile where teeth are missing then not only is your smile marred but you could be at risk of a whole host of other oral problems too.

dental implants richmondIf missing teeth aren’t replaced quickly then surrounding teeth can start to shift towards the gaps and the underlying gums and bone can weaken. Misaligned teeth trap particles of food and can be more difficult to clean. If these aren’t removed then you will experience a build up of plaque which can cause gum disease and eventual tooth loss. Multiple missing teeth can also affect your appearance and cause your face to sag and your cheeks to sink in. As your oral health starts to deteriorate and your face shape changes, it’s easy to lose confidence and self esteem. Dental implants in Richmond are a permanent method of tooth replacement which can totally turn the above scenario around by restoring your smile, oral health, and confidence.

Durable – Dental implants are the best form of tooth replacement because they replace the entire structure of the tooth root, making them a permanent fixture in the mouth. A titanium post is inserted into the gums which bonds with the jawbone to provide strong support for the artificial tooth that is placed on top. Other forms of tooth restoration simply replace the missing tooth leaving the bone and gums beneath to deteriorate.

Long lasting – Provided dental implants are cared for well and a patient regularly visits their dentist for check-ups, we know that dental implants have the potential to last for upwards of 40 years (if not longer).

Natural – A dental implant is made from titanium which is bio-compatible. This means that it has the ability to naturally fuse with a patient’s jawbone stimulating it to promote healthy regrowth, just as a real tooth does.

Versatile – A dental implant in Richmond can be used to replace one or two teeth, or multiple missing teeth. If you’re missing a single tooth then a custom crown will be placed on an implant post to complete to restore your smile. For multiple missing teeth, several implants can be used to secure partial or full dentures.

Fits into any lifestyle – Dental implants fit seamlessly into your current lifestyle, whatever that may be. While it’s necessary to maintain a high level of oral hygiene, you can eat all of your favourite foods and smile with confidence.

If you’re interested in knowing more about how dental implants could help you, then why not book a free implant consultation with Sheen Dental where you can meet the team and get your questions answered. Call today on 020 8876 5277 to book yours or contact us online at