The Best Cure For Gum Disease Is Prevention

Gum disease is the main cause of tooth loss and it’s also one of the major causes of dental implant failure too. You see the thing with gum disease is that it’s usually silent and doesn’t always hurt. In fact, often the symptoms don’t appear until the disease is in an advanced stage. Here at Sheen Dental we treat a lot of patients with gum disease and we place a lot of dental implants in Richmond too. However what many patients don’t realise is that dental implants need a healthy mouth if they are to stand the best chance of success and for many patients, the very thing that caused their teeth to fall out or need extraction also poses a major threat to implants. Therefore, before we can even consider their suitability for implants, we need to treat the gum disease and get their mouths healthy once more. Having said that, let’s take a look at the symptoms of gum disease:

  • dental implants in RichmondBleeding when you brush or floss your teeth and when you bite into hard foods
  • Gums which are receding from the teeth causing the teeth to look unnaturally long
  • A change in bite when you put your teeth together
  • Tender, red, or swollen gums or other pain in the mouth

Ways to prevent gum disease

  • Brush at least twice a day or after meals using fluoride toothpaste
  • Floss at least once a day being sure to curve the floss around each tooth and beneath the gum line
  • Use an antiseptic mouthwash
  • Eat a healthy diet that is low in sugar and sticky treats
  • Visit your dentist for six monthly check-ups and a professional clean

As with most things, prevention is better than cure and that’s especially important when it comes to periodontal disease, which is an advanced form of gum disease. Treatments for gum disease can include scaling, medication, root planing and in more severe cases, even surgery. All of this can be avoided with thorough dental care and regular visits to your dentist. A six monthly check may seem a bit of a chore, but your dentist will be able to identify any early signs of gum disease and remember, early treatment means fewer visits to the dentist, less complex treatments, and considerably less expense.

When you visit Sheen Dental for a six monthly examination we can check your oral health, look back at the results of your previous visit, and generally track your progress to ensure that your dental hygiene remains good and your teeth and gums stay healthy for the whole of your life. In the event that you are considering a dental implant in Richmond but are concerned you may have gum disease, then why not come and talk to us to see how we can help. You can book a free consultation by calling 020 8876 5277 or visit our website at