The Bone Loss Process and How It Affects Missing Teeth

If you currently have one or more missing teeth and have never considered a dental implant in Richmond, then you might when you’ve read this.

dental implants in RichmondThe sad fact is that when you lose a tooth then a process known as bone resorption starts to occur. This is where the surrounding bone tissue that once supported the tooth root starts to waste away because the bone tissue no longer has anything to stimulate it. This process starts immediately once a tooth is lost and although it slows down after a while, it continues on ‘ad infinitum’ until the shape of your jaw changes. In addition this ‘thinning of the jaw can show prominently in the facial features as cheeks become sunken and skin starts to loosen, giving you the appearance of looking older than your years. In addition to aged looks bone resorption can also place other teeth at risk as they become more exposed to the problems of decay and gum disease. As you can see, it’s easy how one simple tooth problem can escalate, once you start experiencing bone resorption.

So what are your options?

You’d be forgiven for thinking that by simply replacing a missing tooth or teeth with a conventional restoration such as a bridge, a partial plate, or a set of dentures, the bone loss process will stop but unfortunately this isn’t the case. This is why dentures in particular need regular adjustment and eventually replacement.

So how can bone resorption be stopped?

The answer – with dental implants! Because implant-based restorations are anchored directly into the jaw bone the surrounding bone tissue is stimulated into merging and fusing with it. This is a process known as osseointegration and is what gives implants their super-strong platform. When this happens the bone loss process is halted once and for all because not only is the space where the missing tooth or teeth once were plugged, but the regeneration of bone tissue can also encourage new bone growth, thus going some way towards reversing the process. The results are a younger looking and confident you.

If you’re fed up with looking older than your years caused by progressive bone resorption then it’s good to know that you can actually do something about it, while maintaining a great looking smile. Why not contact Sheen Dental to find out more about how a dental implant in Richmond can do much more than fill the missing gap where a tooth once was. To make an appointment why not visit our website at, or alternatively contact us directly on 020 8876 5277 today and take control of your dental health before it takes control of you.