The Disadvantages Of Dental Implants

Although there’s plenty written about how good dental implants are and the great advantages of having them, as dentists with many years experience of successful placement of dental implants in Richmond, we can tell you that there are also a few disadvantages which you need to be aware of.

The cost

dental implants in RichmondFirst of all people are often put off by the high initial cost. Dental implant surgery isn’t normally performed freely under the NHS unless in extreme circumstances and because of the technology, costly materials, and the experience of the dentist, it can amount to two, three, or even four times the cost of a set of standard dentures depending upon what needs to be carried out. That said, once fitted and unlike dentures, implants never need replacing, so the cost is a one off fee rather than having to make payments for replacement dentures every 10 years. That’s not to mention the ongoing costs for cleaning equipment and fixatives that are needed. So in the short term, yes they could be considered expensive, but in the long-term they really are a cost-effective option and a great investment to boot.

It requires surgery

Dental implants need to be placed directly into the jawbone and this requires surgery. Similarly to all surgical procedures, it comes with a certain element of risk. In experienced hands such as right here at Sheen Dental, implant failure is extremely minimal. However on average it’s somewhere between 5 and 10%. This is something that should be taken into consideration and as such, it’s always best to speak to any potential surgeon about the risks involved. These can include incorrect placement, temporary or permanent nerve damage, prolonged bleeding and infection.

They aren’t a quick fix solution

If you’re after a quick fix solution to missing teeth then dental implants in Richmond aren’t for you. Depending upon what needs to be done the procedure from start to finish can take up to nine months to complete and includes examinations and consultations, surgical procedures, recovery periods and ongoing check-ups. That said once complete you’ll have the most advanced and life-like form of tooth replacement that modern dentistry allows, so for many people it’s well worth the wait.

As you can see, the bottom line is that there are disadvantages to undergoing treatment for a dental implant in Richmond. However the good news is that the pros far outweigh the cons and as such treatment should be considered a long-term benefit for a short term sacrifice. If you want to discover more about dental implants then check out our website at Alternatively speak to the team directly by booking yourself a free, no-obligation consultation on 020 8876 5277 where you can get all the facts needed to make a fully informed and balanced decision about your dental future.